Regulatory notification - end of contract notification


Registered User
I just received an email from VM informing me that my contract period ends next month.
It starts with "Regulatory notification - end of contract notification".
I never received this sort of communication in the past from any similar service provider.
Is this a new thing/requirement?
Great if it is because I'm always forgetting when household utility contract periods are up.
I think I remember that there is now a requirement for utilities to let you know when your contract expires
Do you know if this is just for TV/telecoms/broadband services (ComReg?) or also for other utilities such as energy (CRU?)?
I've received end of contract letters from my electricity supplier in the past. I can't recall if I got one for gas.
Have received them from Electric Ireland and Bord Gais over approx. past two years but don't remember receiving one from Virgin Media.
Thanks for the replies.

My 500Mbps broadband only service @ €45p.m. contract ends next month. If I stay put it will increase to €70 p.m.
Last year I was in a similar position so gave 30 days notice to cancel, they closed the account (and I returned the gear), and as soon as the account was closed I was able to sign up online as a new customer to get a better deal.
I had checked with support in advance that this was possible and there was no need for any gap (30 days, 90 days?) before I was treated as a new customer.
I was surprised and not a little skeptical but that was the case in practice.
I had a couple of days down time between the old and new service but I can deal with that.
Has anybody done this recently in case anything has changed and they do now insist on a gap before you're considered a new customer?
(There's no other adult at the address so that's not an option either).
If I do that again this year then I can get the same service that I'm on for €44 p.m. instead of €70 - plus whatever One4All voucher they're offering at the time.
I did have to pay a (re)connection fee of about €30 last year but I think that they're waiving that these days and even if not their voucher offer would probably cancel it out anyway.
(Once again - there are still no fibre services in my area so VM are the only practical option as 12-15Mbps ADSL is simply no use to me).
I never received,end of contract , messages from any company but always kept note of the end of contract dates myself so I could re negotiate in enough time to give the thirty days notice if I needed to.
Called 1800940199 (found the number on - cancellation/loyalty department I presume?) and got through quickly but the discounts that they offered me weren't worth staying for so I gave my 30 days notice to cancel next month - a few days after the end of my 12 month contract so I'll pay a pro-rata amount of the 13th month €70 charge. I'll sign up as a new customer after that as I did last year. I note also that now they don't take the white Hub 3.0 modem/router back so that goes into the local WEEE... :(
I have received the same letter from VM. Been trying to get through to customer service for nearly a week but no joy. Does anybody know the best time to ring. I was on €30 for 6 months and €60 for 6 months. There is no way I am prepared to pay near that when I see Sky have €30 a month for the year. For anybody that has Sky broadband, how do you find it.
For what it's worth I called 1800940199 the other day after lunch and got through very quickly. Looks like 1908 always says that the wait time is an hour regardless of what it might actually be.
Quick update ... I did the same as last year and when my cancellation took effect just after the 12 month contract anniversary, I signed up again as a new customer to get 500Mbps for €44 p.m. for 12 months instead continuing my erstwhile contract to get 250Mbps for €70 p.m. I've had a couple of days back on my stopgap 4G router with a 48 SIM but no major hassle otherwise. And the old VM Hub 3.0 will be going to the local WEEE recycling. Ridiculous really... :rolleyes:
There is a Limerick number you can use to ring VM for renewels, they've always answered quickly, 061 272190. I've always found that if I reject the first offer and ring back a couple of days later, they make a 2nd better offer
There is a Limerick number you can use to ring VM for renewels, they've always answered quickly, 061 272190. I've always found that if I reject the first offer and ring back a couple of days later, they make a 2nd better offer
To be fair, I got through quickly on 1908 the other day and they dealt with my query efficiently. But when I recently cancelled, any offers that they suggested to me were still much more expensive than doing the stupid cancel and re-sign up as a new customer dance. But, for me, the slight bit of hassle is worth the savings of up to €312 p.a. The faster connection is a bonus even if 250Mbps would still be more than enough for me.
Has anyone else encountered a hike in price for broadband, despite being in a contract, in April of each year, due to an increase in the Consumer Price Index rate ?
Has anyone else encountered a hike in price for broadband, despite being in a contract, in April of each year, due to an increase in the Consumer Price Index rate ?
Some providers specify such an increase - e.g. CPI + x% - in their contracts/terms and conditions. E.g.:
This issue was widely covered in the media when it was first mooted and since then. E.g.:
To be fair, I got through quickly on 1908 the other day and they dealt with my query efficiently. But when I recently cancelled, any offers that they suggested to me were still much more expensive than doing the stupid cancel and re-sign up as a new customer dance. But, for me, the slight bit of hassle is worth the savings of up to €312 p.a. The faster connection is a bonus even if 250Mbps would still be more than enough for me.
That’s interesting.

What timeline was involved between cancellation and re-signing? Did you have to endure any lack of service or could you re-sign within the notice period?
That’s interesting.

What timeline was involved between cancellation and re-signing? Did you have to endure any lack of service or could you re-sign within the notice period?
My cancellation took effect from midnight on Saturday so that's when my cable broadband stopped working.
I was lazy and only signed back up yesterday rather than Sunday or Monday.
DPD delivered the hardware just now.
As I said, I used my 4G router for stopgap connectivity Sunday to today but I probably could have been back up on VM yesterday or maybe even Monday if I had been more organised.
I don't think that you can sign up within the previous contract period but I never tried and maybe it's possible subject to the details used to sign up (name, date of birth, email address, IBAN for DD etc.).
My cancellation took effect from midnight on Saturday so that's when my cable broadband stopped working.
I was lazy and only signed back up yesterday rather than Sunday or Monday.
DPD delivered the hardware just now.
As I said, I used my 4G router for stopgap connectivity Sunday to today but I probably could have been back up on VM yesterday or maybe even Monday if I had been more organised.
I don't think that you can sign up within the previous contract period but I never tried and maybe it's possible subject to the details used to sign up (name, date of birth, email address, IBAN for DD etc.).
Thanks for that.
I just got an annual "Regulatory Notification" from Virgin saying that they have a better package for me to move to.

I am currently out of contract. They are suggesting a better package for me is that to move to a 12 month contract, at the same monthly cost! How can that be in the spirit of the regulation?