Reason you wont be protesting on the 10th December

You can't seem to follow basic replies, understand the timelines of the day or even understand who some of the dangerous groupings that were marching with you yesterday are (Eirigi aren't exactly a secret organisation)!
You don't seem to grasp that deliberately blocking the traffic routes yesterday was just an act of spite on the part of some protesters. That is exactly what they did by sitting on the Luas line and the bridge. You just keep going back to clappy handy love-is-in-the-air Woodstock type talk of peaceful protesters and smiling Gardai, while repeating that you are a hard working man (which I am too but was'nt able to get home as normal because of illegal activity by a bunch of thugs who were allowed get away with it by a benign police force)

It appears that though you were around there at the time, you didn't grasp what was happening.

Peace man!
...yet all the lot of them do in there is slagg each other off and throw accusations around...
Couldn't agree more I have had occasion to watch since it went permanently on UPC 207. Sometimes I have to pinch myself? Is this really what our democracy needs? And yet systems of no accountability are surely worse. But you would have to believe that the democracy of a 1,000 years hence would be unrecognisable from the one we have now - at least Irish style.
Based on what I've seen on the TV, the crowd seemed to be mostly made up of pensioners and the unemployed - both of whom have been relatively untouched in the last 8 years!!

I'm 100% with Purple on this one...the nutjobs have joined the parade and anyone with a modicum of sense is satisfied with the reductions and has moved on.
I’m working class as well; I derive my income from my days work.

I always find it amusing that those who call themselves "working class" don't work and all those who call themselves "middle class" are actually "working class" in reality

To to be clear though, I'm really middle class as I've gone to university
I preferred the old payments system. It was fairer as it was based on consumption, though the allowances were too low. The new charge won't help to reduce usage.

What do unemployed people look like?

And by the way, I lost my job during the recession but was lucky enough to find a new one. My new job is at a pay rate of 22% less than what I was on. Bet that is more of a pay cut than you suffered in recent years. I find your comment about been relatively untouched for the past eight years offensive. It was extremely stressful for myself and my family.
To to be clear though, I'm really middle class as I've gone to university

I'm a tradesman (tradesperson now?) so when Paul and Ruth and the rest of the Loony Left succeed in starting the revolution you'll be rounded up but I'll be fine
Good to see some sort of logical method used though rather than the usual bluster and "pick a figure out of the sky" effort that normally accompanies these things
The exact figure doesn't matter anyway but I wouldn't put much store in the App. It's just a snapshot (at what time though?) and tweaking various parameters would show sizable variations. Lots of people were leaving after 2pm whilst others were arriving.
Clare Daly's contribution to the protest, as shown on RTE News last night, included an assertion the politicians in Leinster House were "whimpering and cowering".

Mark Twain "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

Clare Daly is a smart lady and is very articulate (as you would expect considering her rarefied upbringing and qualifications). The trouble is that she's a convert to a bankrupt ideology and zealots rarely allow reality into their thinking.

Working people who lose their jobs but look for new ones are still working class.
The substantial minority who have never worked and have no intension of ever working are not working class. This, I presume, is the group to whom Firefly was referring.
Aside from the obvious untruth of what Clare Daly said (Alan Kelly looked remarkably prosaic about the whole shebang), that whimpering and cowering remark was deeply unpleasant, particularly given Primetime on Tuesday showing people actually "whimpering and cowering". If someone is whimpering and cowering and you have caused it then that is a sign that your behaviour has moved beyond any reasonable bounds. It is more shame on you than shame on them.

As for the astounding claims that the protest is "true democracy" or the equally ridiculous claim that the people have spoken and they have said no. It can only be considered "true democracy" if all sides are aired, unless you are a fan of "democracy" North Korean style of course. You can be very sure that no anti-anti-Irish Water speakers were invited. You can be very sure that if they were they would have been heckled (at the very least). You can be very sure that if someone chose to turn up with a "Yes Water Charges" banner they too would have found themselves on the receiving end of some less than democratic behaviour. The people have spoken - they got that much right, more have registered than not. The protest, whether you take a sensible, reasoned guesstimate or go with the egregious figure peddled by the organisers or even split the difference, does not constitute a majority and does not represent "the people". I agree with Purple, I am not a fan of the low, flat charge, I think that metred usage was the sensible and logical way to go but that doesn't mean that I think we should not progress and get this thing finally in place. The sooner the better.

And then to cap it all they had so screwed up the city centre that it took many hours for Dublin Bus in particular to recover and get the buses back on track - not pleasant when you have to get across the city having spent the day in work.

Maybe they should organise the next protest for Croke Park, that way at least you could count people through the turnstiles

Spot on.

Difficult to identify them all with 100% accuracy, but intuition helps.

Hi Sunny,

Anyone who works and wants to work and who loses their job, I have huge respect for and didn't mean in the slightest to offend. My father lost a business when we were teens and it was really awful. It put a huge strain on us at the time and I've no doubt it has shaped me into the person I am now (for better or worse!)

I have a problem with the free loaders who have never worked and have no desire to.

Doesn't seem to have figured out that when you have a PA system providing amplification, you don't need to shout into the microphone to be heard .
- I was wondering about that one too. I assumed she is either used to shouting or couldn't get the mike working (in which case, why bother speaking into it)

God , what a brilliant gift , not so much that you can spot pensioners but to sit in front of a TV set & to be able to spot the unemployed but uncannily you can tell that they are long term unemployed as well.

How do you do it , does the TV emit an aura of some sort or do they look like the kind of people that should be unemployed ?

Any chance of this weekend's lotto numbers ?