PTSB transfers to Raisin & Trade Republic "lost"

WIth all of the above I'm totally put off TR now.

One thing to note - The differnece in detail that TR ask for when initaiting a Deposit via Bank Transfer is minimal at best.

TR: My Name / IBAN / BIC / Reference (Optional)

[There is no tooltip or sample as to what to enter in the reference]

As oposed to Trading212, which I have zero issues with across multiple transfers.

T212: Special Code as your Payment Reference / Recipient Bank Name / Recipient Bank Address / Benificiary Name / Benificiary Address / IBAN / BIC

Special Code is listed first, bigger and colourfully, compared to other details; so you can't miss that.

T212 also make you supply the Bank Details of the Account your funds are coming from.

Going to assume the lack of detail on TR is not helping the Funds go to the right place.

Not in Banking / Finance so don't understand the intricacies, so fee free to correct if this is even meaningful.

Simple clarity and a decent thought process go a long way.
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My issue got sorted - the money bounced back into my PTSB account in the end - despite the fact that I did not ask for a recall.

There are multiple posts on Reddit again this week of Trade Republic transfers going missing. You are not alone. Shocking.

How long is your money missing?

What have TR Customer Service said?

Have you escalated to the TR complaints email address?

Have you asked BoI to do a trace and/or recall?
Hi SerenaZ,
Could I ask you again how long your saga took in the end? How long until your funds bounced back to your account? Still trying to resolve this with TR. Shocking is right!
Thank you
Hi SerenaZ,
Could I ask you again how long your saga took in the end? How long until your funds bounced back to your account? Still trying to resolve this with TR. Shocking is right!
Thank you

About 6 weeks or so to fully resolve.

I suggest you contact the TR Complaints email address ( )

And if that does not work contact the German regulator ( ) - your email must be in German or they will reject it. Use Google Translate.

Also, do a recall if a trace did not work.
Hi all, I'm 3 weeks into the same saga above. I used BOI for the deposit (I had to do a manual transfer due to only having a legacy KBC account with them, with no Internet banking access. I have my suspicions that the method of transfer may also have contributed as all previous deposits that i did myself via AIB were fine. ).

In the threads, There is reference to "email the CEO", and complain to the CBI. Can someone DM me the CEO email & Also the complaints email for the CBI? (I'm going around in circles via their website).

Thanks in advance. I'll keep a pressure on all fronts and keep a eye on flights to Frankfurt :(
@Rooster12 - Have you:
- Asked BOI to trace the payment?
- Asked BOI to recall the payment?
- Escalated your issue to the Trade Republic complaints email address?
Hi. Thanks for your response.

Yes. I have done all of these things and lodged a complaint with BaFin. Interestingly BOI are no longer responding to emails, meaning i have to repeatably go into the branch and start the discussion again.

Their general and opening position is that as far they were concerned the money was sent and that receiving bank hasn't contacted them with a issue.

Last I herd from them, they were requesting confirmation via Swift. they also said they would try contact CITI, but I haven't herd anything since. I asked can I recall. They never responded on that so I went ahead and instructed them to do so.

I haven't gone heavy on them regarding responsible bank (or lodging a complaint) but may have to as they are loosing momentum.
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The transfer surely would have been via SEPA rather than SWIFT. Keep pushing BoI to do a recall. They should not be making this difficult for you.

And if BOI don't act then you might need you raise a complaint on their side too.

The complaint to BAFIN needs to be in German. Did you write it in German?
Thanks.yes I did issue the BaFin complaint in German.

I'll keep the pressure on BOI. It's a precarious position to be in and customer service is pretty shocking and slow. Hopefully it resolves.

If anyone has CBI email and CEO email, it would be appreciated
If anyone has CBI email and CEO email, it would be appreciated

For the CBI you can use You should note however that the Central Bank will generally not get involved in individual complaints. That buck has been passed to FSPO. The CBI may get involved if the complaint involves a grave or systemic issue. More details here and here

Regarding BOI, Myles O’Grady is the CEO. Page 118 of this document contains the following BOI C-suite email addresses:


This suggests that the general format of their email addresses is, and that they drop the apostrophe if the surname contains one. So you might be in with a shout if you tried
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Hi Freelance,

Thanks for your efforts.

I was considering contacting the trade republic CEO rather than BOI at this stage. Reluctantly I may also issue a complaint to BOI as although the fella is nice when I speak to him, I'm still not confident a full trace and recall has been carried out (the lack of update is a problem I'm itself).

The CBI email will be regarding a systematic issue with BOI/Citi /trade republic and lack of customer support to resolve using my case as a example...

It's 4 weeks now...
@gvnfnly did you get sorted in the end?
Just a follow on with filing a complaint to BaFin, I see on their website that they say they do not respond in a way to satisfy individual complaints but only that they fix things in a collective manner if they see enough complaints about a financial provider. Is there an ombudsman in Germany separate to BaFin and equivalent to our ombudsman? The Irish ombudsman has come back and said that N26 refuses to come under the jurisdiction of the Irish ombudsman so I have to go the German route. However as outlined it doesn't appear that the BaFin deals with complaints in the way the Irish one does?
Just further on this, seems that both Trade Republic and N26 are not participating financial providers within the German ombudsman arbitration system
It really does seem problematic to be customers of these entities when things go wrong and or they mess up things for their customers.