Politicians - the next generation

Maybe a jibe that Dublin voters don't do ever do this.

Be fair to the man. He can hardly mean such a thing. Sure didn't the people of Dublin elect and re-elect Liam Lawlor? And didn't Bertie Ahern build his political empire on being the Northside FF equivalent of Jim'll Fix It? Not to mention CJH and Ray Burke :eek:

On another level altogether, I would far prefer to have Jackie Healy-Rae as my TD rather than Eamonn Ryan, who I'm sure is a nice and kind man, but who comes across as terribly smug and self-important in his all-too-regular media appearances.
I reckon the gezzer 'finks that it all gombeens in Souf Kerry innit, nuffink like that would wash wiv the intelligensi-ah of Souf Dublin.
Hey! Leave our Jackie alone. At least he never took the government copter to open an off-licence (or a new road) in south Kerry :) knowwadImeen, like, Innit!
I reckon the gezzer 'finks that it all gombeens in Souf Kerry innit, nuffink like that would wash wiv the intelligensi-ah of Souf Dublin.

No that's not it, I'm from Kerry myself. But fair play for jumping to conclusions. I mean that people elect politicians with whom they can associate.
No that's not it, I'm from Kerry myself. But fair play for jumping to conclusions. I mean that people elect politicians with whom they can associate.

Apologies for jumping to conclusions. I must read your posts more clearly in future before replying.

That said, I'm still a little puzzled, though.

What did you mean when you said
diarmuidc said:
You get what you deserve.
and why do you
..have to wonder about the people of North Tipp.
Apologies for jumping to conclusions. I must read your posts more clearly in future before replying.

That said, I'm still a little puzzled, though.

What did you mean when you said and why do you

We, the people, can hardly complain about the (negative) qualities of our politicians when we elect them, especially when we know their track record before hand. We act all shocked and indignant when a politician racks up a $400 bill in a hair salon or are found to have evaded tax but then we go out and re-elect them.

Of course politicians are going to have the traits listed above because it is rewarded at the ballot box.
yerrah you're alright lad, dont take it to heart, I'm a mucksavage too, but at least ye get to win the All-Ireland every other year ;)

It's ok, I would probably have jumped to the same conclusion. I should have been more clear.
We, the people, can hardly complain about the (negative) qualities of our politicians when we elect them, especially when we know their track record before hand. We act all shocked and indignant when a politician racks up a $400 bill in a hair salon or are found to have evaded tax but then we go out and re-elect them.

Of course politicians are going to have the traits listed above because it is rewarded at the ballot box.


I didnt really clarify my point well but thats what I am saying. The people get the government it demands.

Why do you think the opposition partys stance is always that to what public popularity is? This is also why long term financial objectives or requirements seldom get done!

Whats coming out in the press about lavish expenses wasting public money by our elected officials, to be honest its nothing new here or abroad (look at sarah palins wardrobe costs). What happened was we (the public) were to busy looking after our own self interests to really scrutinise the clowns running the country.
Why do you think the opposition partys stance is always that to what public popularity is?

I certainly don't think it's that simple.

Opposition parties will criticise and disagree with the party in power to emphasise their differences more so than anything I would say.
I certainly don't think it's that simple.

Opposition parties will criticise and disagree with the party in power to emphasise their differences more so than anything I would say.

Ah come on. Its not ALWAYS the case, but I think you could say more often then not they will jump on the bandwagon of popular opinion if it means public exposure and potentially more votes.

Its just politics.

Its funny cause I know so many people in our country who look at the U.S. and laugh about Bush getting elected twice (myself included) but the phrase "dont throw stones in glasshouses" comes to mind.
Michael Lowry does quite a lot for North Tipp, he certainly does more than our other FG backbencher and FF junior minister. I suppose he has all the contacts plus that's all he has to concentrate on, he doesn't need to take instructions from a party whip except on major votes.

I'm sure he does in between lying to the Dail and evading his tax with the help of big business.
I'm sure he does in between lying to the Dail and evading his tax with the help of big business.

He does and I was hoping that people would vote against him last time out as he really shouldn't be representing anybody. I understand that people want someone who produces results, but really do we want someone like this having any power?
He does and I was hoping that people would vote against him last time out as he really shouldn't be representing anybody. I understand that people want someone who produces results, but really do we want someone like this having any power?

Simple answer, no, we don't.
Simple answer, no, we don't.

just a personal opinion but I dont think our North Tipp man is in quite the same league as the Ray Burke's, Liam Lawlor's of this world. If the Pope was dealing with Ben Dunne he'd have found it hard to keep his affairs in proper order - Ben was all for a bit of refrigeration business here and an extension there are sure arent we square now .... and hard to argue with a man of such power.

Not saying it was kosher or said politician shouldnt have done better but not as bad, IMHO, are the real gouger stuff of brown envelopes for planning, intimidation, "Mr Insatiable", "will we get a receipt for this", bursting in on business meetings in" their patch", all that stuff.
just a personal opinion but I dont think our North Tipp man is in quite the same league as the Ray Burke's, Liam Lawlor's of this world. If the Pope was dealing with Ben Dunne he'd have found it hard to keep his affairs in proper order - Ben was all for a bit of refrigeration business here and an extension there are sure arent we square now .... and hard to argue with a man of such power.

Not saying it was kosher or said politician shouldnt have done better but not as bad, IMHO, are the real gouger stuff of brown envelopes for planning, intimidation, "Mr Insatiable", "will we get a receipt for this", bursting in on business meetings in" their patch", all that stuff.

I would refer you to page 70, paragraph 19 of the Tribunal's report. I could refer you to others parts but don't have the time.

"It would be very damaging if there was a public perception that a person in the position of Government Minister and member of Cabinet was able to ignore with impunity, and indeed cynically evade, both the taxation and exchange control laws of the State. It is an appalling situation that a Government Minister and Chairman of a Parliamentary party can be seen to be consistently benefiting from the black economy from shortly after the time he was first elected to Dail Eireann. If such a person can behave in this way without serious sanctions being imposed, it becomes very difficult to condem others who sililarly flout the law".

Is that clear enough for you? Lowry is just as bad as Haughey et al.
No that's not it, I'm from Kerry myself. But fair play for jumping to conclusions. I mean that people elect politicians with whom they can associate.

People have become very PC.

They focus in on tiny details and ignore the bigger picture.

Who pays for the make up of Enda Kenny?

Yet - a politician who represents the country cannot get their hair washed?

What expenses do the mandrians at RTE and the Irish Times claim?