I would expect to pay for the bridesmaid's dresses and shoes and give them a present but definitely not hair do's, makeup or tanning - unless I was a bridezilla expecting them to look a particular way!
Sounds a bit mad to me!
So if there was a hairdresser/make up person coming to your place the morning of the wedding to see you and the bridesmaids, when they'd finished you'd ask the bridesmaids to pay their share?
Curious: I've noticed a lot of BMs say 'I paid for my own shoes cos I wanted to wear them again'Does the bride retain ownership of dresses and shoes if she pays for them?
I know a girl who is getting married and her BM (who is a right DIVA) rang to tell my friend she had got her dress and that is was €x. She was told by several people to pay for the dress but make it clear to the BM that this is her present. The BTB had no difficulty with the BM picking the dress but a little manners goes a long way. This particular BM has also told the BTB that she also must pay for a double room at the hotlel (for the BM and the BM's boyfriend). The BTB had no idea that she was under no obligation to pay all of these extras.
I say pay for the dress and shoes. If the BM wants particular upstyles she should also pay but otherwise no furher should be expected.
I was bridesmaid for my younger sister 2 years ago, and I and the other two bridesmaids paid for everything ourselves, hair, make-up, dress and shoes.