been a bridesmaid twice...
...first time I was 14 and she is my godmother, paid for all. (not that the make-up was more than a splodge of max factor powder on the nose). Was abroad so flight as well but I think my mum helped out.
bridesmaid last year for mate, paid for all expenses that i wouldn't have incurred if not bridesmaid - so I paid for room, nails, tan etc. but not for dress, hair etc. Anything she picked she paid for, but shoes etc I paid for. It was an honour. And am now godmother to their little baby. Am picky about jewellery so didn't get a gift of that but they got their photographer to take some lovely extra shots and I got a beautiful framed photo of Glendalough.
...first time I was 14 and she is my godmother, paid for all. (not that the make-up was more than a splodge of max factor powder on the nose). Was abroad so flight as well but I think my mum helped out.
bridesmaid last year for mate, paid for all expenses that i wouldn't have incurred if not bridesmaid - so I paid for room, nails, tan etc. but not for dress, hair etc. Anything she picked she paid for, but shoes etc I paid for. It was an honour. And am now godmother to their little baby. Am picky about jewellery so didn't get a gift of that but they got their photographer to take some lovely extra shots and I got a beautiful framed photo of Glendalough.