Patronising People in Business - "thanks for that, good girl!"

Re: Patronising People in Business

Who cares what he says, hes only a man!

Apart from when he borrows my dresses of course..
Re: Patronising People in Business

Oh have I not mentioned this before... ;)

SLF likes to be referred to as a 'ladee' on the weekends..
Re: Patronising People in Business

Draught or bottle? Hasn't been served in pubs in Cork since the time of the outbreak of Mad Cow Disease. Also cause a nasty hangover, especially if mixed with Bailey's or West Cork poteen.

What will we give him instead?
Re: Patronising People in Business

Or OJ.. he gets drunk on the fumes of any alcohol.. can't use mouthwash.
Myself and my secretary always have a good laugh at this sort of thing.
I reckon that's the best approach. I guess it's mostly auld fellas and there's usually no badness in it so what harm. Why get one's knickers in a twist?:)
nothing like a hand on a leg, eyes on the boobs and pat on the This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language to motivate you to get the job you trained for
Someone interfering with you is entirely unacceptable but the 'eyes on the boobs' may be beyond their control - primal instinct. My wife always says, "if you're going to put them out there . .".
What happens if your well endowed in the breast department and you don't 'put them out there'... they are simply just there?! I'm sure Sans not the type of woman to have her bits hanging out. She is just blessed in this department, doesnt give men the right to stare!
What happens if your well endowed in the breast department and you don't 'put them out there'... they are simply just there?! I'm sure Sans not the type of woman to have her bits hanging out. She is just blessed in this department, doesnt give men the right to stare!
I don't disagree with you there but sometimes men may unintentionally and briefly glance, particularly where cleavage is accentuated. And if a bloke consciously tries not to do so then he is doomed to.
My wife always says, "if you're going to put them out there . .".

my other half got caught one night in the pub by a really really tall American woman that we both know. she's an amazon, even without heels!

She had a very low cut top on and her boobs were at his eye level.
And she had him practically pinned to the bar as she quizzed him about something.

tbh i think he felt more intimidated than anything..:D

didn't stop me from being very annoyed though, i mean less is more isn't it?:mad: :eek:
When a man uses the Good Girl phase he is thinking other things,it is a put down.It is what a man says when a woman is doing him a sexual favor and he says Good Girl.Heard it said in a few different Adult movies I used to watch as a younger man
When a man uses the Good Girl phase he is thinking other things,it is a put down.It is what a man says when a woman is doing him a sexual favor and he says Good Girl.Heard it said in a few different Adult movies I used to watch as a younger man

Right. That's that sorted then.

When a man uses the Good Girl phase he is thinking other things,it is a put down.It is what a man says when a woman is doing him a sexual favor and he says Good Girl.Heard it said in a few different Adult movies I used to watch as a younger man
Does that also apply if he says good lad to a bloke? :eek: