Pat Rabbitte to resign today?


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Just on Newstalk FM:

Pat Rabbitte possibly to announce his resignation as leader of the Labour Party at a news conference at 3:30 today.

Any thoughts?
Just on Newstalk FM:

Pat Rabbitte possibly to announce his resignation as leader of the Labour Party at a news conference at 3:30 today.

Any thoughts?

Oh no - I hope not. I'd be cynical about most politicians and PR is far from perfect but I would honestly miss his genuine intelligence, wit & (for the most part) integrity - qualities so often lacking in politicians.
I thought he had integrity until he started banging on about the 35 million Poles who could come over here and put us all out of jobs. That xenophobic nonsense put me right off him.
Also what about his double standard banging on about fee paying schools and his own children going to one in Templeouge. He shut up fairly quickly on that topic.
I thought Brian Cowen made him look like a fool on Questions and Answers before the election. Cowen said that he be happy to go into Government with Labour and Rabbitte putting on an act of disgust for the faithful made a right eejit of himself. His only policy was his self righteousness. Adios Pat and since you tried to be funny in the Dáil maybe there will be a spot for you on the Panel(TV Programe) next season
I thought he had integrity until he started banging on about the 35 million Poles who could come over here and put us all out of jobs. That xenophobic nonsense put me right off him.

But was his issue not more with the government's ad hoc and disorganised approach to legislation and the unease that may arise, rather than having problems with immigrants per se?

Perhaps he should have joined up with FF and settled down for a drink with the tax evaders in the tent at the Galway Races.
suffers a bit from the Ml Noonan factor in that he appears competent while on the attack but you'd wonder could he ever lead or be effective in power.

Not the worst I suppose, could add a bit of colour at times
well you cant not do much in opposition can you.This is something that I cannot understand how we the Irish see ourselves as so honest so correct like saints and only the politictions espcially FF are the only people that are sinning.Who the people elect represents us who we are
warts and all
Who the people elect represents us who we are warts and all

Hmmm.. really, a reflection of us all eh. I never got a supermarket tycoon to pay for my extension or give me a dig out to pay for my extravagant lifestyle..I never went to pub to receive money for my county council vote. You should read Stephen Collins book on FF since Lemass.
I always thought that Labour should have been the biggest party in Ireland but somehow they disinfrachise themselves from the voters. Pat Rabbitte did not or was too snoobish to engage with the electorate and pandered to the horrible middle class mentality. He failed and failed miserebly to have any impact on anything substantial.I hope that Labour elect Brendan Howlin and that he has the common touch to bring forth a fresh agenda(Health Health Health) and policies and not the change of Government as being the basis of getting elected. Good luck to him anyhow

Are the middle class not Ireland's largest body politic?
I will always remember him taking pleasure in "gutting" those involved in the non resident accounts scandals of a few years back. I reckoned it was only time before he turned his attention to the rest of us over something or other. I believe that this was the reason Labour did not do as well as they might have in the last election. I'm glad he's gone.
Also what about his double standard banging on about fee paying schools and his own children going to one in Templeouge. He shut up fairly quickly on that topic.
Reminds me of Frank Cluskey's response to accusations that he was being hypocritical in claiming to be a Socialist but having private health insurance - "Sure nothing's too good for the working classes".

suffers a bit from the Ml Noonan factor in that he appears competent while on the attack but you'd wonder could he ever lead or be effective in power.

Not the worst I suppose, could add a bit of colour at times
I suppose grey is technically a colour alright. I suspect that politicos and journos create their own mythology. For ages I've heard about how great an orator and character PR is/was but could never see it myself. Maybe if you repeat something often enough etc...?
Are the middle class not Ireland's largest body politic?
The definition of middle class varies it seems but my thinking of middleclass is the people who could and did go to University in the 19760s/1970s. They seem to be embarresed or try and be shy about how much money they have . They can also talk so eloquently about the poor the pain they feel about people on hospital trolleys,they know the right facial expressions to use(watch Liz McManus in action) but do not have the guts to do anything about it like go into Goverment. Could go on and on about them but would stray away from original point. Ooops the rant stops here
but do not have the guts to do anything about it like go into Goverment.

I think that a prerequiste for going into Government is that you have a coalition party with whom you are willing & capable of doing business with. PR didn't want to do business with FF but as we have seen they picked up a few tax evaders to help them out along the way.

The key to great oratory seems to be:
1. Don't asnwer the question
2. Make the point you want to make in a loud, braying voice
3. Talk over anyone else trying to respond to you
4. Out-boor the FF'ers
5. Jump on every band-wagon with the tuppeny sound bites

Not a fan. Though Descartes help us all if Joan Burton gets elected to replace him.
but you'd wonder could he ever lead or be effective in power.

How do we define effective in power? Do you mean in a policy or political sense? How difficult do you think the process of being in Government is? Have a look at the ranks of our Junior Ministers, are we weighed down with talented individuals who are effective and efficient, I dont think so. Being in Government isn't as difficult as you might think.....

He was prone to pomposity and evasive techniques alright.

But the end result was still I think much more impressive than the mumbling, stuttering, inarticulate, winking, devoid of charisma excuses for public representatives that make up 90% of Pat's colleagues.
But the end result was still I think much more impressive than the mumbling, stuttering, inarticulate, winking, devoid of charisma excuses for public representatives that make up 90% of Pat's colleagues.

I agree with your comments. And you can make that 90% of the entire TD's. Joe Higgins will be sorely missed too.