Parishioners asked to fund pay-offs for paedophiles victims

I really don't have a problem with the celebacy rule at all. All priests joining up today are adults and are aware of this term & condition!

Dont you think that living an unnatural live of celibacy (unnatural in terms of the human animal we are), may lead to frustration and psychological problems? Are people with psychological problems really the ones you want telling you how to live your life from the pulpit?
Just listened to Sinead O Connor on netcast. She said some disturbing things about an encyclical, threatening victims with excommunication for talking about the abuse. Worth a listen but be prepared for a shock.

She has letter in this morning's Indo about it.
Dont you think that living an unnatural live of celibacy (unnatural in terms of the human animal we are), may lead to frustration and psychological problems? Are people with psychological problems really the ones you want telling you how to live your life from the pulpit?

I see your point, but there are many IMO good priests who live a life of celibacy and there are many people outside of the church who also lead a life of celibacy.

The point I was making is that people sign up for priesthood are aware of this. Whilst I don't have a problem per se with this rule, I do think it's silly and should be reformed, if only to attract more people into priesthood.
She has letter in this morning's Indo about it.

To be honest, I've never really taken to S O'C. This letter however is excellent and I agree with everything she says. My favourite line and worthy IMO of being printed in large letters and hung over every church door is:

A true Christian is someone who, in any given situation, is supposed to ask themselves “What would This post will be deleted if not edited immediately do” and try to do that.
...threatening victims with excommunication ...

I'm sorry - what?! I'd say parishioners are shaking in their shoes.

Excommunication was a regular 'punishment' ... er ... let me see ... in the 17th century!

Ah the good old contemporary church.

+1 to AJ's summation too.
Bishop Brennan said that he did not want to burden others (the Vatican) with “this burden” as it is “our” responsibility. Who, exactly” is “our” in this context? If the Vatican, which obstructed justice and facilitated the rape of children for over half a century, is not parts of the problem then who is? Is Mr. Brennan trying to say that the victims of abuse and their families are part of his “our” while the hierarchy of the organization that perpetrated the abuse is not by virtue of its geographic location?

It beggars belief.
If the Vatican, which obstructed justice and facilitated the rape of children for over half a century, is not parts of the problem then who is?

The recent trip by clergy to the Vatican was a PR stunt. If the Vatican stump up this money, then as you point out, villages/communities/contries from all over the world will next in line.

Which isn't a bad thing...sounds like the church needs to be rebuilt before we can start to "believe" in it again.
Look like they might sell some of their assets (NOT!)

It may very well be that a decision will be taken to dispose of one of the diocesan assets – but that will only occur after the conclusion of consultation over the coming months, and perhaps years – with churchgoers.

Diocesan Communications
Ferns Diocese,
Summerhill, Co Wexford.

As if churchgoers will be consulted if the church wants to sell an asset. PLeeease.
I have posted here before that I believe the actions of the Vatican in instructing Irish citizens to give primacy to the laws of a foreign power (Cannon Law) over Irish law and so obstruct the investigation of criminal acts and/or fail to report criminal acts amounts to sedition. Therefore I am of the opinion that the papal nuncio should be expelled, our ambassador to the Holy See (the Vatican) should be withdrawn and diplomatic relations with this hostile foreign power should be broken.

How dare they show such contempt for the sovereignty of this state.

As for donations to the “Rape Tax” that Mr Brennan is proposing; if devout Catholics see fit then they should do so but only after every single asset of the Roman catholic Church in Ireland has been sold and the proceeds spent.
I really don't have a problem with the celebacy rule at all. All priests joining up today are adults and are aware of this term & condition! ............
I understand your stance Firefly. But, lets say, if someone started a life-long trend of people going around with their eyes shut or packing cotton wool in both ears or bunging plugs up their nostrils etc - for the greater honour and glory of God, don't you think that it would warrant a visit to the shrink? How do we know what pleases someone that we are not really sure exists (in the way that has been portrayed). Kneeling down, singing instead of praying, saying rosaries, talking to the various saints, novenas that never fail (if you blow the candle out and promise publication!) and such mumbo jumbo. If it turns people on fine but they shouldn't allow themselves to get ripped off by the cute hoors that see an opening (the Church). The pure see in a pure way, thus allowing themselves to be putty in the hands of these con artists.
I have posted here before that I believe the actions of the Vatican in instructing Irish citizens to give primacy to the laws of a foreign power (Cannon Law) over Irish law and so obstruct the investigation of criminal acts and/or fail to report criminal acts amounts to sedition. Therefore I am of the opinion that the papal nuncio should be expelled, our ambassador to the Holy See (the Vatican) should be withdrawn and diplomatic relations with this hostile foreign power should be broken.

How dare they show such contempt for the sovereignty of this state.

As for donations to the “Rape Tax” that Mr Brennan is proposing; if devout Catholics see fit then they should do so but only after every single asset of the Roman catholic Church in Ireland has been sold and the proceeds spent.

+1, fully agree.
I understand your stance Firefly. But, lets say, if someone started a life-long trend of people going around with their eyes shut or packing cotton wool in both ears or bunging plugs up their nostrils etc - for the greater honour and glory of God, don't you think that it would warrant a visit to the shrink? How do we know what pleases someone that we are not really sure exists (in the way that has been portrayed). Kneeling down, singing instead of praying, saying rosaries, talking to the various saints, novenas that never fail (if you blow the candle out and promise publication!) and such mumbo jumbo. If it turns people on fine but they shouldn't allow themselves to get ripped off by the cute hoors that see an opening (the Church). The pure see in a pure way, thus allowing themselves to be putty in the hands of these con artists.

I can see where you are coming from but I don't think you're comparing like for like...
One is an inner belief system which is (meant to be) practiced by all members of the 2nd largest global religion (!World_religions_pie_chart.png) where the only action required is inaction.

As for the other...I've never seen anyone exhibit the traits you mention.

As for the mumbo jumbo - a lot of people actually believe this, or parts of it. I don't by the way.

I think that the issue of paedophilia in the Catholic Church is a result of an abuse of power, rather than an enforcement of celibacy.
I can see where you are coming from but I don't think you're comparing like for like...
One is an inner belief system which is (meant to be) practiced by all members of the 2nd largest global religion (!World_religions_pie_chart.png) where the only action required is inaction.

As for the other...I've never seen anyone exhibit the traits you mention.

As for the mumbo jumbo - a lot of people actually believe this, or parts of it. I don't by the way.

I think that the issue of paedophilia in the Catholic Church is a result of an abuse of power, rather than an enforcement of celibacy.
Firefly, I was just, in a roundabout way, comparing unnatural acts ie, plugs in nostrils, cotton wool in ears and not opening ones eyes with another unnatural act - celibacy.
Mumbo jumbo? People believing in it? Some people believe in Voodoo, fairies, National Inquirer, and although it's their right to, doesn't make it any more credible.
A men only, non marrying cult is, of course, a haven for all types of perverts. Especially same sex paedophiles.
Was not having a go at your post, just went off on a little sidestreet.
Firefly, I was just, in a roundabout way, comparing unnatural acts ie, plugs in nostrils, cotton wool in ears and not opening ones eyes with another unnatural act - celibacy.

See your point

Mumbo jumbo? People believing in it? Some people believe in Voodoo, fairies, National Inquirer, and although it's their right to, doesn't make it any more credible.

I think the mumbo jumbo Catholic beliefs you mention are more credible though as the numbers who believe them are so high and they;ve been practiced for so long.

A men only, non marrying cult is, of course, a haven for all types of perverts. Especially same sex paedophiles.

+1 - but I don't think celibacy is the cause of paedophilia.

Was not having a go at your post, just went off on a little sidestreet.
Dont you think that living an unnatural live of celibacy (unnatural in terms of the human animal we are), may lead to frustration and psychological problems? Are people with psychological problems really the ones you want telling you how to live your life from the pulpit?

Its a bit of a stretch to go from 'don't you think it may lead to frustration and phychological problems' to then state that they do have such problems. Maybe a bit of balance is required, but I won't hold my breath on this thread.
Firefly, I was just, in a roundabout way, comparing unnatural acts ie, plugs in nostrils, cotton wool in ears and not opening ones eyes with another unnatural act - celibacy.
Mumbo jumbo? People believing in it? Some people believe in Voodoo, fairies, National Inquirer, and although it's their right to, doesn't make it any more credible.
A men only, non marrying cult is, of course, a haven for all types of perverts. Especially same sex paedophiles.
Was not having a go at your post, just went off on a little sidestreet.

What makes celibacy unnatural? Are you saying that it is a natural thing for our species to reproduce? In your line about beliefs you throw believing in fairies, national enquirer and believing in God as much the same thing, but surely not believing in God should be included in this group.
It amuses me that people who say that they do not believe in God are so continually vociferous when deriding others for holding a differing opinion.
I have never seen a proven link between celibacy and paedophilia. Its a stretch. Just because I might go a long period without sex does not make me want to abuse children or rape women.
These were damaged sick people that were protected by the organisation that they worked for. They would have probably done the same evil things no matter where they were.
It amuses me that people who say that they do not believe in God are so continually vociferous when deriding others for holding a differing opinion.

Have to agree on that one. I'm agnostic. I just accept that many people do believe, many don't and many haven't given it much thought.

I couldn't give a monkeys what anyone else does or doesn't believe as it doesn't affect me and I don't condone derision of e.g. christians and their beliefs in a general sense, however, what I do have a HUGE problem with is christians quoting or hinting at aspects of their faith and telling me that I am wrong or how I should be living my life etc

Or, much worse, supposed christians defending and covering up cowardly despicable acts and doing so behind the smokescreen of their religion.
I have never seen a proven link between celibacy and paedophilia. Its a stretch. Just because I might go a long period without sex does not make me want to abuse children or rape women.

I don't think so either but, and just an observation at this stage, there are millions of protestant clergymen in the world too, many of whom are of course married. I rarely hear of this kind of thing in the various protestant churches though.