Parishioners asked to fund pay-offs for paedophiles victims


Registered User
Can anyone tell me why the Diocese of Ferns isn't selling off the vast amount of property it owns first before asking parishioners to pay for the sins of the priests?

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It just seems to be another own goal just as Dermot Martin seemed to be helping the healing process.
The church and the banks have an awful lot in common IMO. They both capitalise the profits & socialise the losses.

From where the Church is sitting this is not an own goal. This is tactical. The priests and bishops do not want to give up their comfortable life and houses. They have no interest in paying for what they did. Instead they would like the poor sods who turn up every week to pay for it.

And that would be the poor sods who have lost jobs, had pay cuts or their pension cut to shreds. It is grossly insulting and ultimately an indictment of the crass attitude of this group of social parasites. Oh, I'm still talking about the church and not the banksters.
+ another one

I just don't get it - the cheek of them to even propose the idea. Until people stop handing over money to the Church, I don't see it changing though.
+1 VOR bigtime. The people DO have a choice. Stop giving all kinds of donations to these social leeches. I read the article this morning and it seemed surreal. Sinead on Newstalk was bang on. These mysterious dysfunctionals - both male and female - should be put in stocks, the vatican's wealth distributed to good causes, the land banks and buildings given to the communities from whence they were wrestled, tax concessions ended and anyone who feels that God is calling them should be mentally assessed.
If a church can get people to attend, donate money, hold to their belief system, while simultaneously using that attendance for an element of control in peoples lives (like rules governing peoples sex lives), use the money for their own business ends, and have all these people believing in an imaginary entity - then is it any surprise that when members of that church do terrible things like abuse children, that they chance their arm to get the parish of the very people they abused to pay up?

Im not too sure why people are surprised here. Churches are about power. Not about helping people.
If a church can get people to attend, donate money, hold to their belief system, while simultaneously using that attendance for an element of control in peoples lives (like rules governing peoples sex lives), use the money for their own business ends, and have all these people believing in an imaginary entity - then is it any surprise that when members of that church do terrible things like abuse children, that they chance their arm to get the parish of the very people they abused to pay up?

Im not too sure why people are surprised here. Churches are about power. Not about helping people.

That is the line that sums up the situation.
Just listened to Sinead O Connor on netcast. She said some disturbing things about an encyclical, threatening victims with excommunication for talking about the abuse. Worth a listen but be prepared for a shock.
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Just listened to Sinead O Connor on netcast. She said some disturbing things about an encyclical, threatening victims with excommunication for talking about the abuse. Worth a listen but be prepared for a shock.

Can you post a link?
I object to parishoners being asked to pay for lawyers who advised the bishops to fight the charges "tooth and nail".
I just had a listen. She spoke very well.

Now I'm thinking that she was right that night long ago on Saturday Night Live when she tore up a photo of the Pope. That was in 92 or 93... she was on the ball nearly 20 years ago.
12m..I'm sure the Vatican could stump it.

One piece of art from within the Sistine Chapel should cover that comfortably, Firefly!

I heard someone on radio this morning saying that such donations by anyone stupid enough to pay them could be termed a rape tax. I'm absolutely sickened by the Catholic Church and its behaviour (and misbehaviour).

Great post by VOR. To add to it, many believe that the celibacy rule has nothing to do with the teachings of This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, etc. It's more to do with preventing women being able to divorce their priest husbands and looking for their share of everything in the marriage. Imagine parish property, the Parish House, etc. having to be sold, and the wife getting half of the proceeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Women!!!!! ;)
many believe that the celibacy rule has nothing to do with the teachings of This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, etc. It's more to do with preventing women being able to divorce their priest husbands and looking for their share of everything in the marriage. Imagine parish property, the Parish House, etc. having to be sold, and the wife getting half of the proceeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Women!!!!! ;)

Catholic celibacy dates back to the early 4th century (sometime around 300). There was a council of somewhere at which it was stated that only unmarried men should become priests or deacons. This was not always the case and by the 10th century there were many married priests. The argument is that as the Church became more powerful and monasteries became more powerful the chance of an abbot setting himself up as a Duke and leaving the whole thing to his son became a big worry for the Church (individual monasteries in England covered massive areas, taking in villages and hamlets as well as farms and orchards. These were the last place in Britain to own slaves).
I really don't have a problem with the celebacy rule at all. All priests joining up today are adults and are aware of this term & condition!

I think we're all agreed the whole thing stinks, but most (guess) will still get married in a church, send our kids to mass on Sunday and have them baptised, make their communion & confirmation..