Opinion and Discussion: Household Charge.

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Yes it should have been introduced in the good times when income tax rates were being dropped in the first part of the last decade. You're forgetting one thing though, we had the great Bertie in charge.
Pay small but frequent amounts?

Does anyone know if you can pay small but frequent amounts at the local council offices or do you have to pay full €100 in one hit. I understand the option for direct debit has now passed.
Thank you
Do people really think that the government don't have a list of the majority of homes in Ireland? How do we get voting cards, tax statements etc? If the government want to contact me, they know where to come!

Unfortunately, they don't.

They have an electoral register, which has me down at my address, but that is not connected to ownership of the house.

Well, elsewhere, in the Land Registry, I presume that I am registered as the owner of this house.

But they don't seem to have a database of all owners.
Does anyone know if you can pay small but frequent amounts at the local council offices or do you have to pay full €100 in one hit. I understand the option for direct debit has now passed.
Thank you

The direct debit installments option has expired. You will have to pay the full amount before the 31st of March.
I think that because of all the TDs who are protesting and campaigning against it they have brought about a situation where the property tax will be introduced a lot soon than it would have been and people will end up paying more money earlier than if this campaign had not started.
Does anyone know if you can pay small but frequent amounts at the local council offices or do you have to pay full €100 in one hit. I understand the option for direct debit has now passed.
Thank you

Local authorities simply do not have the administrative resources to process multiple small cash payments. It would take a lot of extra staff to provide this option.
Firstly the household charge is not a tax. It is a charge. Taxes are percentage based and therefore fairer.

Secondly, and more importantly, there is a huge lie at the heart of the household charge. Not one penny of it will go to local services. It is simply replacing the 170million of our TAX taken away from local authorities.

How one can support being lied to by one's own government is beyond me. If this were a British government imposing these unfair draconian charges we wouldn't just be on the streets, we'd be on the streets with guns. We were before weren't we! But it seems a few people think it's ok to be abused by a native government.

And it is just a few. To date just 14% have paid. Yes there may be an increase as the deadline approaches but the majority will not pay.

I would urge everyone to be at the National Stadium next Saturday at 1 o'clock and express their abhorrence at this government's treatment of the people.

By all means apply a local tax, payable directly to local authorities, but please don't lie to your own citizens.
I won't be paying the household charge as i believe we should have to pay an annual amount but I believe business rates should be reduced by 66% because of the extra revenue from this household charge.The Wexford corporation are a joke bunch of fat cats sitting in their 40 odd million building telling people what they do and do not owe
well they are going to get a shock by the end of next week when the % who pay is announced..

I don't think they will get a shock or be surprised at all. I'm sure they read the papers and listen to the news like the rest of us.

They will, however implement plans to persue all those who haven't registered by all the means that have been well publicised.

Come the end of the year the % who will have paid will look very different.
I dont get the fact that some TDs are calling for the household charge not to go ahead based on the fact that its not fair..
They instead want a property tax (which will be brought in at a later date),so doesn't that mean that instead of paying just 100euro now,that if the property tax had been brought in on time,we would all be paying a lot more,so what they are doing in effect is getting people to pay more sooner??

A property tax should include all property for example yachts and a 'Mansion Tax such as that introduced today in Britain. The current proposal is a charge on the home. Many of those in favour of this charge and who are advocating paying it are well off and afraid of the alternative which is a wealth tax. This is why the current proposal is unfair.
Its interesting how some people are happy to call their homes "Homes" to opose the household charge,yet if someone's "HOME" happens to be a Mansion,well they can just pay anyway..
Its really not about people feeling offended that their "home "is being taxed as they seem happy enough to have other peoples "Homes" taxed..
I happened to be down in the local County Council offices yesterday and I joined the wrong queue by mistake. It was quite long and I was really puzzled as to why there were so many queuing for motor tax.

The queue was in fact for the household charge. I was really impressed.

There was nobody in the motor tax queue. (long story as to why I was there and completely off topic. :mad


Isn't it Great!!!!!!!! to see the government getting some real teeth at long last, in this case one size fits all, if ya can't afford to pay ~ then suffer the consequences.

Shame they couldn't ~ can't ~ or never will deal with the people/criminals who got us into this mess in the first place or are they all one and the same. Makes you think!
Does anyone know if all legal tender is accepted? I have a MASSIVE jar of coins at home and this would be a handy way to get rid of it
Coins are only legal tender up to a certain amount which is €20. So paying them in coppers won't work.
You could pay them in 2 euro coins:

[broken link removed]

"10.—(1) No person, other than the Central Bank of Ireland and such persons as may be designated by the Minister by order, shall be obliged to accept more than 50 coins denominated in euro or in cent in any single transaction.
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