Opinion and Discussion: Household Charge.

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The Household Charge is an interim measure only and a comprehensive and equitable valuation-based property tax will be introduced as soon as possible.

I contend that since this is an interim measure it matters little what it is nominally for or what it is called. What is important in my opinion is what the permanent "equitable valuation-based property tax" is for.
I have no problem with a reasonable charge and 100 is not unreasonable. I suggest however for anyone interested in where this is going should check any UK county council website for an idea of what this can lead to. On those scales you should be looking at 1600 to 2400 for the majority of the population. Except in our case; no bin charges included, no national health, reduced maintenance and services. I fear like everything else this will be done unfairly.
I have a problem paying €100 when every resident in our street is already paying €100 + each year to have the grass cut across the road. The council says that there is no fund available for them to do it, maybe we should say there is no funds available to pay it
30,101 paid it in the first 12 days. [broken link removed]

in the unlikely event that they can maintain that level for the full 90 days, thats 225k households paid up by March 30th - they are expecting 1.6m of the 1.78m housefolds to pay

I don't think anyone needs to organise a non-compliance rally for this one - it appears already doomed to fail.
I do think most people will roll over and pay it , we bitch and moan but have no back bone so well accept mOre and more taxation without any reform,
On the other point when this tax hits the 1-2k surely this will be a massive incentive to go on a housing list vs renting , surely la tenants should have the charges passed on to them like all tenants will.
Why would a young person want to buy or rent when if ya wait the council will eventually house you, costing councils more
I do think most people will roll over and pay it , we bitch and moan but have no back bone so well accept mOre and more taxation without any reform.
Firstly, they have put a very serious disincentive for people NOT to pay it. i.e. the consequences ultimately in interest charges are unthinkable for most people. As has already been mentioned, the problem isn't the charge. The problem is converting the charge into services - the transparency of that conversion and how much $$ goes down the toilet in that process. How do we become the country that gets the most services out of our taxes rather than (probably?) one of the worst??

That's the million dollar question - how it gets resolved, I really don't know - nor do I see any confidence in any of our peers bringing this about....
Firstly, they have put a very serious disincentive for people NOT to pay it. i.e. the consequences ultimately in interest charges are unthinkable for most people.

not really - you can sit back for 11 months and the cost to wait and see what happens is just €20

"The liability date for 2012 is January 1st - and households will have three months to pay before Late payment penalties apply as follows :
Payments made within 3 and 6 months of January 2012 – a 10% penalty.
Payments made between 6 and 12 months late – a 20% penalty."
How are they going to catch the non payers if you have to register first to even pay it?

Grass cutting in housing estates is not a service that Local Authorities provide. They only cut grass along main roads and some Council estates. Green areas in housing estates are the responsibility of the residents.
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Grass cutting in housing estates is not a service that Local Authorities provide. They only cut grass along main roads and some Council estates. Green areas in housing estates are the responsibility of the residents.
If this is to be 'standard practice', then they need to have some mechanism in place to ensure that all contribute - because all don't contribute when it comes to a fee imposed by a residents association that has no legal authority to insist on all home-owners in the estate to contribute.
+1 the residents hate collecting each year because some will not pay, particularly tenants renting
But why does the Houshold Charge state it is for essential service including open spaces? when we are paying separately. Also I assume we will not be charge for fire services any more

These services are essential to your community. They include: fire and emergency services; maintenance and cleaning of streets; planning and development; public parks; street lighting; libraries; open spaces and leisure amenities. These facilities benefit everyone

"Open spaces" in this case doesn't include green areas in most housing estates.

This is a classic example of politicians & central government making promises that Local Authorities can't keep.

I would imagine that the call out for the fire service will be extra on top of the Household Charge.
Similar way to how they catch TV license evaders?

I paid it. When you put in your address they already seem to have a record. You enter your address, they appear to match this to some database and they ask you to confirm if this is the property you intended to register.
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