It's going to be less than €2 a week, no new tax is nice but put it in perspective, it's a glass of beer a week!
I'm sure we'll have the numpties in PbP and the Socialist Party trying to rile up the masses into a non-payment campaign which will work as successfully as all their other hair-brained student union style schemes.
What a load of fuss about nothing.
Assuming you are serious, I see the following issues:
1. As mentioned above, this is just the start. In the UK, this charge is now typically in the thousands.
2. The money I will be forced to pay will be given to people that are far, far richer than I am.
3. This is just one extra charge. Don't forget to take into consideration all the other multitude of taxes and charges in Ireland. VAT increase, property tax, cuts etc.... It all adds up. More than a glass of beer.