Operation Gridlock

Originally Posted by aonfocaleile http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?p=530786#post530786
This gives me the impression that you work in the Dept of Transport, where the secretary is female and in her 30s or 40s. DoT also has a number of builidngs around the city centre which are all within a mile of one another......the irony

Could she not just be any office secretary??? Why jump to the conclusion that it is the Dept of transport???

2nd poster is right. It is definitely NOT a government department

In reply to another poster who said that cars make you lazy - can I be pedantic & say that a car is inanimate object & can't "make" you do anything!!
There's a shop just down the road from me. It's so close that walking probably takes the same time as driving, once you pull out of driveway, park etc...

I generally drive to the shop and I'm in my thirties.
Conclusion is that cars make people lazy. I'm getting fatter too.

Ah but which is making you fatter, the drive to the shop, or what you buy when you get there......:D
Ah but which is making you fatter, the drive to the shop, or what you buy when you get there......:D

or the number of sweets you consume in the car while waiting at junctions manned by guards that ends up turning a 5 minute journey into a 45 minute wait?
Yep nothing wrong with this person.

The secretary in our Dept

The capitalisation of the word 'department' is extremely common across the civil service, hence that was the impression I got. No one is jumping to any conclusions. But thanks for the clarification Batty.
The capitalisation of the word 'department' is extremely common across the civil service, hence that was the impression I got. No one is jumping to any conclusions. But thanks for the clarification Batty.

heh wasn't being smart!! I use the word department all the time as in Accounts deapartment, HR Department?? What do other peopel call the area of the company that they work in - section, team, group?
can I be pedantic & say that a car is inanimate object
Well maybe on the M50 (or Dublin in general now, it seems) cars are inanimate. My car, however, moves :D
Well maybe on the M50 (or Dublin in general now, it seems) cars are inanimate. My car, however, moves :D

I meant inanimate as in lifeless or inorganic. I better keep my dictionary close to hand if posting if future :D
Yes - to pedestrian traffic which suits me fine! :)

I've had the same experience - walking to and home from work has become a more pleasant experience. Maybe the Operation Freeflow refers to pedestrians rather than cars? ;)
Operation Gridlock beat me today (again). Took me 45 mins to get out of my estate in Knocklyon (at 7.30am) and a journey which normally takes 40 mins took 1 hr 45 mins. It's a joke.
the guard at the (firhouse/knocklyon) m50 roundabout this morning was ignoring the firhouse side and concentrating on making life difficult on those approaching from knocklyon, as a result i flew down from firhouse onto the m50 in no time. but it was clear to me that the knocklyon approach was being seriously hampered.
Had 3 guards this morning at the top of the Kingswood slip road on the N7 doing their best "Saturday Night Fever" impressions!!!! all traffic coming up to the roundabout on three roads was backing up fast! Unbelievable:( Seriously though do they do have a look around before they start and see how the traffic moves and leave well enough alone.

Lads keep the moves for the dance floor!!
Just dawned on me this morning - have you seen the colour of the light sabers the cops are using? They're red - the colour of the dark side.
Operation Gridlock beat me today (again). Took me 45 mins to get out of my estate in Knocklyon (at 7.30am) and a journey which normally takes 40 mins took 1 hr 45 mins. It's a joke.
Anyone that leaves for work that late in Dublin can't complain when they hit traffic.
Operation Gridlock beat me today (again). Took me 45 mins to get out of my estate in Knocklyon (at 7.30am) and a journey which normally takes 40 mins took 1 hr 45 mins. It's a joke.

Anyone that leaves for work that late in Dublin can't complain when they hit traffic.

Whats wrong with leaving for work at 7.30 - as he mentions it usually takes him 40 mins to get to work?? The issue is that he mentions that Operation Gridlock is now adding time to his journey.
People who drive to work using the same route at the same time every day know what lane to be in, where they should be going etc and so do not hold up the flow of traffic. This time of year you have a higher proportion of, for want of a better phrase, "'aul-wans" driving into town to get to the shops. These are the people who sit over the steering wheel looking terrified and confused, and generally slow things down for the usual commuters.
People who drive to work using the same route at the same time every day know what lane to be in, where they should be going etc and so do not hold up the flow of traffic. This time of year you have a higher proportion of, for want of a better phrase, "'aul-wans" driving into town to get to the shops. These are the people who sit over the steering wheel looking terrified and confused, and generally slow things down for the usual commuters.

Have to disagree with that Purple, I take the same route to work everyday and there is no difference in traffic flow or volume EXCEPT on the junctions now manned by guards.