A annie Guest 10 Oct 2003 #141 heard about the site I heard about it at while discussing which pension fund to pick. Someone suggested this site as being useful.
heard about the site I heard about it at while discussing which pension fund to pick. Someone suggested this site as being useful.
M molliedog Guest 21 Oct 2003 #142 new visitor i just found your site whilst browsing in the money stuff
K Kevin B Guest 11 Nov 2003 #144 Where I heard about the site The Last word - Today FM A great discussion forum - I miss E. Dunphy but Matt Cooper fills the boots well. I have just started lookin at the site, I will be recommending it.
Where I heard about the site The Last word - Today FM A great discussion forum - I miss E. Dunphy but Matt Cooper fills the boots well. I have just started lookin at the site, I will be recommending it.
E Emma Louisa T Guest 13 Nov 2003 #145 Hi I heard of the website from two separate sources, firstly from someone I work with, but then againg a couple of nights later I heard someone from askaboutmoney on The Last Word on TodayFM - was really impressed - he talked a lot of sense!
Hi I heard of the website from two separate sources, firstly from someone I work with, but then againg a couple of nights later I heard someone from askaboutmoney on The Last Word on TodayFM - was really impressed - he talked a lot of sense!
A askelly Guest 23 Nov 2003 #146 Where I heard about this website There was a feature in either the Irish Times or Independent on 14th Nov (I think) which mentioned this site
Where I heard about this website There was a feature in either the Irish Times or Independent on 14th Nov (I think) which mentioned this site
M Mikeyboy Guest 8 Jan 2004 #149 where? A link in a mortgage discussion thread on irishpropertynews.com
Y yumi31 Guest 12 Jan 2004 #150 coming out of the closet Have been reading and contributing for 3 years now. Decided to stop being anon and register. Origianly found out from rollercoaster.ie
coming out of the closet Have been reading and contributing for 3 years now. Decided to stop being anon and register. Origianly found out from rollercoaster.ie
A aideen Guest 13 Jan 2004 #151 reply This website is frequently mentioned in discussion groups between broke and stresed parents in the Rolercoaster website.
reply This website is frequently mentioned in discussion groups between broke and stresed parents in the Rolercoaster website.
S sarahhuuray Guest 14 Jan 2004 #152 irish independent listed on the business page of the Irish Independent
U unregistered user Guest 3 Feb 2004 #154 where did I hear about Askaboutmoney I wanted to know about pips & peps with reference to SSIA'S and I found it on Google
where did I hear about Askaboutmoney I wanted to know about pips & peps with reference to SSIA'S and I found it on Google
T The Aurelian Guest 3 Feb 2004 #155 Internet I was doing an alltheweb search for prizebonds and came across the relevant discussion.
M Marble Guest 23 Feb 2004 #156 Search Need info on investing and carried out a search specific to Irish sites and landed here. Haven't looked back....or elsewhere...since!
Search Need info on investing and carried out a search specific to Irish sites and landed here. Haven't looked back....or elsewhere...since!
P paddy Guest 10 Mar 2004 #159 askaboutmoney In the Irish Independent it is the first thing i go to on Monday
M meerkat2004 Guest 11 Mar 2004 #160 Where I heard about the site Hi, Great site! Read about it in the Sunday Tribune on 7th of March.