New Entrant pay deal Haddington Road


Registered User
Hoping someone can advise me on this. The Haddington Road agreement made provision for post 2010 entrants to public sector having their pay restored to match Pre 2010 employees.
The agreement stated that new entrants would skip points 4 & 8 on scale & therefore not be disadvantaged in reaching top of the scale. I hope I worded this properly.
My question is.... What grades does this apply to, as a new entrant? In so far as I can see, it applies up to senior positions?
Many thanks for advise or links to specific examples applicable in HSE.
If your talking about clerical grades, it was only grade III and IV's. These are known as entry grades.
Thank u for response Becky. Are you definite about this.... Can you send any link to me where this was specified? I thought it encompassed grades III to V.
Thank u for response Becky. Are you definite about this.... Can you send any link to me where this was specified? I thought it encompassed grades III to V.
I can't remember if there was circular, I had a quick look and don't see one.

Go to HSE salary scales 2013. Anywhere you see the word merged means it's a new entrant. The word doesn't appear beside Grade V, VI etc.
Thank u Steiner for link to circular 04/2020 & I've gone in & read FAQ.
It's still my feeling reading this that I should be benefited from this agreement.
What is the equivalent of an executive officer in HSE? I thought it was grade VI? I know they call grade V (my current position) a staff officer.
My situation is....
Recruited June 2015 to point 1 on clerical officer (grade III) scale
Promotion March 2018 to assistant staff officer (grade IV) scale, put to point 1 on scale. If I had remained at grade III I would have been due to skip point 4 June 2018.
Promotion July 2019 to staff officer (grade V).... I remain in this post
Got my increment in July past went to point 4, but I felt sure i should have skipped this point.
I would just like to see clearly written what new entrant grades are in HSE.
Because reading in link above it sounds like grade V should be regarded as new entrant grade.
Hi Sunnygirl,
I am not familiar with the HSE grade terminology so I find it confusing, having been so used to CO, EO, HEO, AP, PO etc. I will try and read into your points tomorrow when my mind is refreshed. Your HR should clarify for you if you make a formal enquiry and if not explained there is always the trade union if you are a member of one.
I had another look and rethink. I remember we had a separate set of salary scales for the new entrants but these are not on the website, I don't know why.

If you go to HSE salary scales. Open up the following:

July 2013 revised consolidated pay scales (Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Act 2013- FEMPI) (PDF, 250KB, 116 pages)

you'll see new entrant beside clerical officer and grade IV but not the grade v. In the past you could not start working in the HSE or health board as a grade V so that was the basis for it. It's actually still the case unless an exception is granted for a unique skill.

I know it's not the answer you want but grade v isn't a new entrant.

I agree using the civil service grades in the circular wasn't helpful. They are different grades and were never used in HSE.

I worked in payroll and HR for over 20 years.
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Thank u Becky & Steiner, do appreciate your input. I'm still reading over this stuff.... Regardless of what indicator was put beside grade III & IV in July 2013 payscale, surely any grade that any extra points added to it, signifies that they should qualify under this agreement. Grade 5 had 2 extra points added as far as I can see.
I've just checked the HSE scales September 2008 and the current scales (October 2021). Grade V didn't get extra points.

September 2008
Clerical Officer 13 points
Grade IV 10 points
Grade V 7 points
Grade VI 7 points

Current October 2021
Clerical Officer 15 points
Grade IV 12 points
Grade V 7 points
Grade VI 7 points
OK Becky thank u so much. When I look again the 2 points that I thought were extra are actually LSIs.... Guess that's it settled then.