
Valuable and insightful reporting by Conor Gallagher in the IT. He describes one aspect (protection of civilians) of the underlying complexities of the UNIFIL mission, now that Israel is conducting direct action on Lebanese territory and the Lebanese Armed Forces have withdrawn from the South.

The Irish deployment is in Sector West just outside the town of Bint Jbeil. They operate two posts in the area Camp Shamrock, UNP2-45 and an observation post, UNP 6-52 (both on Google maps). The main towns beside the camp are Yaroun, Aytaroun and Bint Jbeil. The area is majority Shia (Hezboallah) and Christian to a lesser extent. Critically, there is an elevated point just on the border, Maroun Al-Ras which overlooks the area (6-52). There was an extensive battle here in the 2006 war and looking at events today, it looks like the Israelis took casualties in the area. Which means more airstrikes and possibly the use of tanks (our anti-tank capability is not permitted in the mission area and reasonably so).

Ostensibly there representing the international community, Ireland's "reputation" and standing with the Israeli's will, at best, do nothing for the troops on the ground.
Ostensibly there representing the international community, Ireland's "reputation" and standing with the Israeli's will, at best, do nothing for the troops on the ground.
So the troops in Lebanon are caught in the middle.
14 billion of apple money and all the windfall taxes from corporation tax and not a word about spending some of it to strengthen our defenses and at least have the very basics.
Also ukraine struggling to hold it's independence against an aggressive colonial power, the same position we were in over a 100 years ago and not a billion or 2 for ukraine either?
Also ukraine struggling to hold it's independence against an aggressive colonial power, the same position we were in over a 100 years ago and not a billion or 2 for ukraine either?
You should go over. Take a Ryanair flight into Lublin (one way) and a bus to the border. They're currently recruiting and they don't have an upper age limit. I think the average age is around 47 now. You'd be welcomed into the ranks of the Banderites. If you do well you might get a special audience with their unelected leader, the former 'comedian' and Pandora Papers star.

What follows below is a rant about "bot farms" as a lazy explanation of how someone could possibly form a view that differs. The irony is the assertion re. "disinformation."! A "land grab" you say? Take a look at a map - Russia needing to engage in a "land grab" is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. However, have a listen to the face of evil saying the quiet parts out loud. Get some idiots to fight Russia while we look on in the peanut gallery and seize all of UAs resources.
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You should go over. Take a Ryanair flight into Lublin (one way) and a bus to the border. They're currently recruiting and they don't have an upper age limit. I think the average age is around 47 now. You'd be welcomed into the ranks of the Banderites. If you do well you might get a special audience with their unelected leader, the former 'comedian.'
So you have finally outed yourself as a russian, nobody else would believe the rubbish you spout, the exact same stuff coming from putin's bot farms. Spreading russian disinformation to justify putin imperialistic land grab
Even the language "Banderites" is straight out of russian bot farms, Banderites is a Latin American term ,nothing to do with ukraine or even Russia but the bot farms have tried to link the two which is preposterous and only the idiotic and delusionals buy into it.
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What follows below is a rant about "bot farms" as a lazy explanation of how someone could possibly form a view that differs. The irony is the assertion re. "disinformation."! A "land grab" you say? Take a look at a map - Russia needing to engage in a "land grab" is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard
Of course it's an imperialistic land grab sure putin said it himself he wants to try and restore the Soviet Union and re conquer eastern Europe. Russia didn't get to be that size by being nice, its all imperialistic land grabs, only the bits around Moscow and st petersburg are genuinely russian everything else was a land grab.Thankfully reality is not matching putins delusions and his military is not able to deliver, its still stuck in the first part of twentieth century.

It's not a rant either, the stuff you saying about zelensky being a comedian is classic russian bot farm stuff. They are enraged that zelensky has made putin and russia look ridiculous. He is eloquently able to demolish all putin propaganda and lies and hold it up for ridicule. The only thing putin has left is his nuclear threats
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You should go over. Take a Ryanair flight into Lublin (one way) and a bus to the border. They're currently recruiting and they don't have an upper age limit. I think the average age is around 47 now. You'd be welcomed into the ranks of the Banderites. If you do well you might get a special audience with their unelected leader, the former 'comedian' and Pandora Papers star.

What follows below is a rant about "bot farms" as a lazy explanation of how someone could possibly form a view that differs. The irony is the assertion re. "disinformation."! A "land grab" you say? Take a look at a map - Russia needing to engage in a "land grab" is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. However, have a listen to the face of evil saying the quiet parts out loud. Get some idiots to fight Russia while we look on in the peanut gallery and seize all of UAs resources.
Russia (China, Iran, North Korea) good
USA (UK, EU, Australia, Japan) bad

We get it.

Or are you intent on getting another thread locked?
Critically, there is an elevated point just on the border, Maroun Al-Ras which overlooks the area (6-52). There was an extensive battle here in the 2006 war and looking at events today, it looks like the Israelis took casualties in the area. Which means more airstrikes and possibly the use of tanks (our anti-tank capability is not permitted in the mission area and reasonably so).

UNIFIL ordered to evacuate by IDF, signals that they are staying place. I thought that 6-52 may have been withdrawn but it seems that may not be the case. 8 IDF tanks were damaged in Maroun Al-Ras today. The post wouldn't have the fortifications that 2-45 has.

Of course it's an imperialistic land grab sure putin said it himself he wants to try and restore the Soviet Union and re conquer eastern Europe.
Citation please. He said something alright but you've deliberately misquoted what he said.
Russia didn't get to be that size by being nice, its all imperialistic land grabs, only the bits around Moscow and st petersburg are genuinely russian everything else was a land grab.
Oh my word. So you want to only apply this to Russia? Of course, there was an incredibly interesting view expressed on Russia's historical past right up to this current "to the last Ukrainian" war but you wouldn't have been privy to that Putin/Carlson interview because of a totally orchestrated press. Heaven forbid that people might be exposed to the views of the other side to that conflict!

You find yourself on the same page on this subject as David Cameron and Boris ....and we're to forget about their colonial ways ..that even now after they've lost all their power...continue. Only the other day they were forced to give back an Island in the Indian Ocean. Last month the French (who you're also in agreement with on this), used force to put down an insurrection from the locals in a south pacific island, and in the months before they were forced out of a north African country, although refusing to leave before they were made leave (and then trying to launch a couple of coup attempts that failed). Lets see all your posts on here about Iraq. You have those receipts? No? Ok, how about Libya? Nothing, right?
Thankfully reality is not matching putins delusions and his military is not able to deliver, its still stuck in the first part of twentieth century.
You've gotten that absolutely wrong. It's not what they wanted, it's cost them but they were given no choice - but they won't be losing this war. Sending $ doesn't cut it. You have to send people - and I don't see you volunteering for the Ukrainian meat grinder. Sending $ is cowardly, and all it does is make this a "to the last Ukrainian" war (and they're almost out of people).

It's not a rant either, the stuff you saying about zelensky being a comedian is classic russian bot farm stuff.
You claimed that and I went back and provided a citation - from your approved media no less. You said the very same about the term "Banderites." Go back and check the citation - again from your approved media.

They are enraged that zelensky has made putin and russia look ridiculous.
Lol. According to who? Russia has already come out of this stronger. The yanks at this point you wouldn't expect anything less (disgusting) from them, but the Europeans - they're the ones showing the weak leadership, looking ridiculous and losing big time out of this whole thing when the dust settles. Whereas it didn't exist before, now Europe has a militarized neighbour all along its eastern border. The yanks don't mind, they're happy to have you as vassal states with weakened economies as a direct consequence. It was a free shot for them to try and weaken Russia and they have gotten to funnel taxpayer money to Lockheed et al, so all good for them.

The only thing putin has left is his nuclear threats

Yeah, he's just fighting off a coalition of how many? And yes, they do have nukes - and the very dangerous nonsense we've seen where people have said he won't go there - that's some leadership alright. You may only ever go there once. There's no discussion afterwards.

He is eloquently able to demolish all putin propaganda and lies and hold it up for ridicule.
Eloquently? By preventing freedom of speech? So much for the great democracies and their hired clown. That guy demolished orthodox churches and banned the entire religion. That's criminal.

Russia (China, Iran, North Korea) good
USA (UK, EU, Australia, Japan) bad

We get it.
You've landed yourself in the manure again fly as you don't get it at all. The world isn't black and white. The suggestion that all that the yanks and Europeans do is golden and everywhere else is out of line is way off.

Kinda undermines everything s/he has posted about Bitcoin too ;)
Exactly my point above. Imagine wanting everyone to express the one opinion...on a discussion board no less.
Take your Russian thoughts to the Russian thread and your Russian shilling to 4chan.
The Russians, long criticized for being the opposers of free speech, have censored me unfortunately for having the audacity to express a differing opinion, so I can't access that thread.;)
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Citation please. He said something alright but you've deliberately misquoted what he said.
Sure putin is a proven liar so what he says doesn't matter its all lies, you would swear he was Isaac Newton or something the way you refer to him.

I'm in Eastern Europe now, saw a communist sculpture on building " socialist realism " its called I think, more like russian propaganda. It depicts german soldiers ( communist "art" is always brutally obvious , no doubt they were German and not Russian in case the population might get wrong idea about who their oppressors really were) and scared women and children about to be taken.

The irony of it in that putin did the exact same thing in Ukraine, abducted ukranian children and brought them to Russia to be re educated the exact same as the nazis did. Putin is the ultimate nazi and there is a warrant for his arrest by international court. So what your answer to that the abduction of Ukrainian children?
Sure putin is a proven liar so what he says doesn't matter its all lies.

I could ask you to reel off whatever these lies were (and then go into the ins and outs of whether he actually was lying - because on the basis of your previous posts I won't be taking your word for it). But should we go there at all? Should we not consider the fact that you led with that but you don't say a word about the lies being told by the other side? I'll give you one...Macron and Merkel negotiated Minsk 2 with Putin - a peace accord. Merkel has since confirmed that she, Macron and the rest of them had no notion of honoring that deal. She said it was signed to "buy time" - so war was what she was aiming for. Minsk 2 was a lie of epic proportions.

That's say Putin "is a liar" and you open up pandora's box because there are plenty of liars out there. That old phrase, "the first casualty in war is the truth" didn't specify one particular side telling porkies - and with good reason. But of course this is what the euro-propagandists and yanks are feeding you.

And you say you wouldn't listen to him because he tells lies. They all tell lies - and the best way to figure out what the truth is, is to take in a sampling of what both of them are spouting ...but you can't do that in Europe because they're afraid what you might learn from getting their version of events. Imagine - the ones that go on the most about freedom of press, etc. are the ones that are doing the censoring.

you would swear he was Isaac Newton or something the way you refer to him.
Not in any way accurate. For 2 years straight, practically nobody on here has said anything other than Putin/the Ruskies are the devil. All I'm saying is that that's not accurate. That doesn't mean I like the guy. At that level, they'd all eat you without salt. He has said himself in that interview (had you bothered to watch it - instead of foaming from the mouth) that he's not your friend - he will act in Russia's interests - and if you compare his Russia with Yeltsin's Russia, he's brought them on (as much as you'll hate to admit that).

I'm in Eastern Europe now, saw a communist sculpture on building " socialist realism " its called I think, more like russian propaganda. It depicts german soldiers ( communist "art" is always brutally obvious , no doubt they were German and not Russian in case the population might get wrong idea about who their oppressors really were) and scared women and children about to be taken.
You're doing it again. So what? You're referring to cold war iconography when they were locked in an ideological battle with the yanks. Of course there was propaganda....on both sides. Of course there's propaganda right now ....on both sides.

The irony of it in that putin did the exact same thing in Ukraine, abducted ukranian children and brought them to Russia to be re educated the exact same as the nazis did. Putin is the ultimate nazi and there is a warrant for his arrest by international court. So what your answer to that the abduction of Ukrainian children?

You want me to comment on one abhorrent item in a war? It doesn't exist in isolation - but once again, I'll point out to you that you're not acknowledging the filth that's ongoing on both sides. And as regards child abductions (via adoption), you don't have to even get past Ireland for that. And in a war context, Operation Babylift from the masters of propaganda. Or Operation Peter Pan courtesy of the CIA. But that happened donkey's years ago they wouldnt do that now? I'm afraid they would. Now check out the manner in which that CNN article is written and compare it with the emotive stuff that has gotten you riled up. I'm not saying any of it is right but I AM stressing the importance of having a balanced view about whats going on and recognizing when you're being manipulated.

So you say those kids were "abducted." How many abductions do you think have been going on on the streets of Ukraine's towns/cities over the past many months - as that clown's goons lift ordinary joes off the street who do NOT want to participate in that proxy war, dragging them into vans. How many times have you seen that in the media that you are accessing in relation to this war? Probably not once - yet it's happening every day. I cited it above and I was astonished to find that the NYT had covered it - the thing is so obvious that even they covered it. How many people have been shot at the border trying to escape Zelensky's thugs?
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