Movies to Recommend

Dead Meat

Not released yet but do look out for it next month - it's a zombie movie set in Leitrim and is both funny and scarey (I saw it at the Horrorthon last month). Made by a (very) small independent Irish film company who deserve every success!

Movie Recommendations

This is a bit of a Red Herring in an anonymous discussion board forum. A recommendation is only useful if you know something about the taste of the person recommending it. Case-in-point: Butterfly Effect. From just to balance the scales a bit:

Children and small animals are mercilessly tortured -- and so is the audience -- in this thoroughly repulsive Ashton Kutcher time-travel flick.

Anyway, my two bits is to find a good reviewer or review site. Start at IMDB and check out the critics and sites linked there.

training day IMO was rather nice...d. washington was rather cool in it.

Godsend watched last night and was disappointed...sort of scary but didn't really go niro didn't really cut it.

Elephant I agree was good at capturing mood, G van sant always good at doing that.

28 days later was a good scary movie, the deserted London sequences are effective...nothing groundbreaking.

track down 'paths of glory', real old kubrik flick...k douglas in top form and a really good war movie. you can see the kubrik touch before he started really pushing things with lolita and dr strangelove.

also pretty much everything by the cohen brothers...Big Lebowski being mandatory viewing.