Michael O' Leary on Climate Change

Originally Posted by CGorman [broken link removed]
To sum up my point, to combat climate change/pollution we should tackle the things that are most practical to change first... (these apply globally)

1) Reduce car usage with more local public transport (or as O'Leary says "Sell your car and walk.")
2) Replace energy generation with greener means - wind, wave, solar, gas, etc.
3) Toughen laws regarding building insulation
4) Toughen laws regarding heavy industry efficency (steel, cement, cars...)
5) Discourage urban sprawl with better planning laws and put in place metro/tram systems with the vision of keeping things centralised
6) Tax incentivise greener cars like Hybrids
7) Invest in electrifing rail networks
8) Invest in rail networks to increase there reach and integration
9) Invest in high speed mag lev rail to offer a real alternative to air travel within ranges of several thousend miles
10) Incentivise distribution via rail rather than trucks where possible
11) Slaughter O'Learys herd of cattle (his own suggestion!... "Shoot cows instead of blaming aviation'")

Leave the cows alone, so they fart a little, why not harness that energy instead.
Why not get the government to convert all it's public vehicles to biodiesel.
Buses, trucks, ministers cars in particular for a start before they start telling us that we should use public transport which is CR**.

BTW it is debatle whether hybrid cars are more friendly to the environment since they cost more to produce and cost more to dispose of than normal cars. I guess it would depend if you used one for 10 years rather than 5 years and if you did manage to drive it for 200,000 miles.

Also one of the reasons everyone is climbing on the badnwagon about airliners is that studies showed during the prohibition on flying in the days after 11/09/01 (I am european not american), cloud formation at high altitudes had decreased due to less vapour trails triggering their formation.
Also one of the reasons everyone is climbing on the badnwagon about airliners is that studies showed during the prohibition on flying in the days after 11/09/01 (I am european not american), cloud formation at high altitudes had decreased due to less vapour trails triggering their formation.

(AFAIK) It is certainly true that 1 tonne of CO2 emitted from cars is a lot less harmful than one tonne produced by a plane because the planes emissions are much higher up in the athmosphere.