Lymewood Mews

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The first phase of the Gulliver Retail Park at the Ballymun entrance will be completed in 3 months. The guy in HOK couldn't give me too much details until it's all finalised but did say that there will be a Homebase, a toy store, two furniture operators and a sports operator. There are still two units in that phase to be occupied.


I'd guess the homebase in santry omni will move there-swings and roundabouts..
Hi all,

I had hoped the retail centre would include some sort of supermarket, newsagent - shops more suited to the daily needs of residents. Homebase, sports outlet, etc. sound as if they will attract considerable traffic from non-residents!!!

Hi all

Schoko you may be mixing up the 2

The "neighbourhood centre" opposite Block A ( on the corner opposite gym, probably the current LM site compound area) has a retail unit in it. It is too big for a spar or Centra so take your pick at which chain may open there. It is already sold. Could be a Tesco/Superquinn etc.

Looking at existing retail parks the Sports shop across the way, in Gullivers, could be an Elverys, they have similar in Blanch, Dundalk, and Fonthill outlet malls. The other chains are usually located on high street or in shopping centre units.
If you are concerned about too many "athletes" going shopping it is over in Gullivers that this will be located.
The supermarket could well be a Aldi or Lidl ( whichever one is not the one on Santry Ave!) they also tend to locate in these outlet malls ie. Blanch etc.

If you want to find out from HOK exactly who is there you would have to pretend to be interested in a letting. several units are already let so they know. Its just getting the info!

RE mgt company the first year is always most expensive. They need to be sure they are not left short as they can only estimate how things will go. Hopefully yr2 should have a carryover and as they will have more accurate budget info we should have a lower fee.
We do seem to have larger than average apts as we all seem to agree and it does seem to based on apts size right?
So I guess we cannot moan about a higher fee if on the flip side it is because we have larger apts! Plus the grounds are ( will be ) like nothing I have seen and our hotel style foyer and landings are a little extra than the norm also.

So does anybody know what is being buils next to the old folks home? I never noticed a planning application at this location, any else?
I would imagine if there is a toystore and a sports store it will be Smyths toys and elverys sports. They appear together in several retail units.
eg fonthill, Liffey Valley, but I'm just guessing??

Agreed with earlier posts about the apparment size, everyone comments when they vist about how spacious they are.

just my tuppence worth in the carpet v floorboards debate.
I dont agree that floorboards are a passing fad, they've been in for 10-15 years now!! From a hygiene point of view, they are soooo clean our last appartment had carpets, and no matter how much we hoovered they were complete dust magnets. I guess It's the same debate as curtains versus Blinds , everyone has their own taste, some like contemporary and some old fashioned, it would be boring if we all liked the same !!

By the way, just to let everyone know, a new Aldi has opened up on santry Avenue, I had never been in one before, and they are great for fruit veg, cheeses etc, worth a look, and very handy, especially when that back entrance opens.

Hope you all had a nice weekend
Yep, I agree, I was never in an Aldi before now, but its well worth the look and so reasonable. By the way, if anyone intends to vacuum their car anytime soon, the statoil on the Ballymun Road, the one in Omni and the Texaco on the Swords road are all broken - just FYI.
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and like Aoife1 I'm going to be moving into Block A in the next couple of weeks I hope. We are snagging this week and having had a breif look around the apartment already ourselves I expect the list will be pretty long.

Have to say that reading back over the comments made in this forum over the last few months has been extremely useful, and a bit worrying, so congrats and cheers to who ever started the whole thing. We haven't been told anything about the maintainence charges yet although I knew it was going to come up sooner or later. I'll have to give the solicitor a buz in the morning. The amounts people have been quoted seem outragous. We have been living in the temple lawns/court apartments for the last long 2 year wait and the temple lawns apartments were also initially managed by WISE. The tenants in these developments had similar problems when maintainance charges were almost doubled in the second year without explanation. In the end I think the management contract went out on a tender and I think they got more reasonable prices.

To me €1740 seems excessive and as I'm also in a two bed B type apartment on the third floor I expecting that that is what I'll be charged. Surprised to see Aoife1 being quoted €1900 I recon they're chancin their arm again the way they did with Pam and some of the others from Block C. They all got massive reductions but only after they queried it, don't see why your fee Aoife or mine would be so drastically different to the others from block C some of which were also 2 bed B type apartments on 2nd and 3rd floors. If the quotes they gave Pam and the others at the beginning were simply a mistake you'd think they would have it well sorted at this stage.

I am going to enquire about the maintainance costs in the development in temple court were I am at the moment to see how it compares to the quotes for lymewood mews. I would like to know who appointed WISE in the first place because from what I have seen in terms of maintainance in our current apartment block, managed by WISE, the service they provide isn't worth that kind of money. I recon in this case they may be taking advantage of the fact that things are a bit up in the air with people moving in all over the place and not knowing each other well enough to do anything about the costs. Maybe when all the blocks are finished and people are in all the blocks we should get togther and maybe look to putting out the contract to a tender. Glad to see the floor issue is sorted out as I intend to put down wood or laminate flooring, got another fright when I saw some of the earlier messages about that....

Anyway, lengthy message I know ... I'll try and keep in shorter from here on ... again congrats on the forum
Well I received my quote for the maintenance fee and it is 1,907 Euro, does anyone know when we will have to pay again, as it says 'initial fee' I have not snagged yet, probably in the next 5 days...can snags be done on the weekend?

Also, my brothers apartment went up to 2000 after the first year, initially i think it was 1,700 or so....
Hello All,

Snagging is done from Monday to Friday, and between the hours of 7.30am and 4pm I think.
I got my letter for my snagging yesturday, and on the last page it has how much of a mortgage I have to pay. Added on to this is a 'Service Charge' for roughly 1500euro, is that my management fee?

Rambo - yeah the management fee is factored in on top of the price for the house when they're looking for the money to be paid over so you pay it with the money for the apartment to your solicitor altogether...

Can't wait till there's a shop and a pub nearer to us - we went for a drink in the Crowne Plaza bar on Saturday night and it ain't cheap (although nice decor etc.)!

Anyone know when they're going to open the entrance on Santry Avenue at Geraldstown Woods or whatever that development is called?? Much handier to get to Aldi then...
Hi all,

just wondering what the situation is with phone lines when moving in? I guess I will connect with Eircom again. Does anyone know if a line is already in place?

Also grateful for advice on other utilities, e.g. gas and electricity. How do we change to our name?

Many thanks,

Hi all,
I was away for a week and have just caught up with all the news, it makes for hilarious reading!
Re the carpet / floorboards debate: I have carpet in the bedrooms and semisolid in the sitting room and I have to sweep enormous amounts of dust and hair off the floor about twice a week whereas I've only had to hoover the carpet once in the last month! I thing the wood looks much nicer in the sitting room though. And I haven't had too much trouble with noise. Apart from occasional music drifting up from below. Who was playing "brown girl in the ring" last night?
Re the broadband question: I'm going for NTL, though they're making it very difficult for me to organise. I don't have a TV (supposed to be writing a thesis) but they won't give me broadband without TV. So in the end I said I'd get it anyway, then they said that even though I wasn't going to use the TV I had to have a TV when they come to connect me. V annoying, I now have to borrow a tv from someone.
That's great news about the increase in price and the supermarket, I'm fed up of queuing to get out of Tescos.
See you all at the management meeting!
sm1 said:
I have carpet in the bedrooms and semisolid in the sitting room and I have to sweep enormous amounts of dust and hair off the floor about twice a week whereas I've only had to hoover the carpet once in the last month!

I am biting my lip-sorry
Go on the carpet!! carpet rules!!
I am the same actually, floor in the living room, as I am a messy eater and cook a lot. Not where my name comes from though!!!! hee hee

serious note though:
I checked out the 2 apts for sale on 4th floor on wing nearest Block B.
One sold for 353k and another has offers at 348k. They were both bought for about 300k. Thats great, they were sold in the same condition as we moved into ours. One thing to bare in mind is that they were "flipped" or similar because they were sold new, without stamp. We all may experience a little adjustment selling second hand as stamp rares its ugly head!

HOK are selling a 3rd floor at 315k I have not heard about that one yet though. Any one any idea what the 3rd floors originally sold for ( 2 bed )?

The grounds are getting tidied up now too place is really going to start looking great in the lnger spring and summers days.
[One thing to bare in mind is that they were "flipped" or similar because they were sold new, without stamp. We all may experience a little adjustment selling second hand as stamp rares its ugly head!

Hey man, I think your wrong about this. I bought one of the units and I was looking to buy another one with a friend for investment. I was trying to avoid stamp but I was told that no contracts could be flipped. All the ones for sale defo had stamp on them. Thats because they were all second hand.
That interesting Ronald, the Lowe people assured me when I first enquired long ago that there would be no stamp. Perhaps the investor did not have a suitable buyer in place by the time Lyndonbarry were forcing him to close.

so you bought one through Lowe then. how much did the Tax Man charge you? welcome to the hood!
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