I've checked the values for 2 of the major cities outside of Dublin and one sea side town. The revenue values are too high.
I had thought that the values would be by estate, but not so, they are taking in large areas encompassing many estates which would not have the same values.
When I get the form from revenue I will be putting a lower value. I will back this up with 2 recent sales one of which was Allsops and another which I know of and can prove. I will also consult the property price register, recent auctions for that area and daft. All of which I'll print and attach so that they won't even consider auditing me. I do not want to undervalue nor overvalue.
For the seaside area that I'm following, apartments are selling for less than 100K from 45K to not above 100 depending on size and location but the band is higher in the 100-150.
I know of one house where the owners once thought it was worth over a million, now thinks it's worth 750K and it's in band 4 detached at 200-250. This is a large newly build house, perfectly finished in an excellent location with a very large garden. A very small 30 year old house literally across the road from it is also in band 4 and there is a world of difference between the two properties.
And revenue could have used other colours rather than similiar different shades of orange.