London's Burning

Poverty, overcrowded accommodation, mass unemployment and deprivation is everywhere in these poor areas. For every job available in Tottenham there are 50 applicants and in the recent austerity measures, services for young people in the area have been cut by 75% . The dole is £65 a week, the poor people are starving hence the looting and violence. The shooting of the young man last Thursday evening was the catalyst that flamed the tensions that were already building up across the city.

1) That figure isn't too bad. Worse in NW Ireland, 57 applicants for each job.

2) Are people in Britain actually starving? Really?
Pehaps if they give up their Sky subscription they could afford food.
Easy to see how some people lost the run of themselves in the Tiger years if they were as dislocated from reality as this post suggests.


That makes zero sense??

If this was the North the air would be bouncing with rubber bullets and a few live round for good measure,there is no deterrent for these scumbags,not even the chance of a police charge,if I was a property owner or businessman watching my premises go up in flames I would be pretty annoyed,the only one dislocated from reality is as usual yourself.
Rioting now also in Bermingham. I can see this thuggery spreading to other cities as rent-a-mobs take advantage. I don't understand why the Police reaction hasn't been far stronger. They need to stamp this out with force. Police should be drafted in from other areas to restore control and discourage more of the same. It must be terrifying for residents.
Rioting now also in Bermingham. I can see this thuggery spreading to other cities as rent-a-mobs take advantage. I don't understand why the Police reaction hasn't been far stronger. They need to stamp this out with force. Police should be drafted in from other areas to restore control and discourage more of the same. It must be terrifying for residents.

I think they drafted in who they can. Police have to be trained to deal with riots so presume there is a limited number. This is the criticism of rough police tactics coming back to bite people in the ass. They are afraid to do anything at this stage. I suppose they run the risk of starting a proper war if they do engage. I think there will be a warning today and a much tougher repsonse tonight if there is trouble.

Shocking pictures though. I lived in Clapham for a while and it is a great spot. Couldn't believe what I was seeing last night.
Perhaps this will give pause for thought to the politicians in power at the moment and the right wing employers on AAM who advocate cutting the social welfare payments across the board with serious implications for those who need them and marginal impact on the chancers who are already earning on the blakc economy.


I'd rather a few riots than my children paying more tax for our over-spending.
If this is about social injustice or a community that is ignored, why are these people attacking their own community? Why not take it out on the source of the injustice? What has the guy who's sold you milk all your life got to do with this? So why has his place been burnt to the ground?

Why demonstrate who much injustice you feel by only smashing up shops that sell nice stuff? Funny that Waterstones is left untouched yet every electrical shop or sportswear shop is cleared out.

Jean Charles de Menezes was shot in 2007, he wasn't carrying any weapons, there were no riots then.

If these kids want to be angry then look at their own parents. What kind of parents sit there while their kids burn down the highstreet and don't do something about it? Their parents are probably putting in orders for tvs and xboxes.

Their anger at social injustice is an anger at what they expect to be entitled to not what they've earned or could earn. So look also at the "community leaders" who fuel their sense of entitlement and whip up the anger.
They are just scumbags. No different to the idiots who rioted in Dublin a couple of years ago.
If these kids want to be angry then look at their own parents. What kind of parents sit there while their kids burn down the highstreet and don't do something about it? Their parents are probably putting in orders for tvs and xboxes.

Lots of new leccy items on ebay soon for the police to take a look at ;)
If this is about social injustice or a community that is ignored, why are these people attacking their own community? Why not take it out on the source of the injustice? What has the guy who's sold you milk all your life got to do with this? So why has his place been burnt to the ground?

Why demonstrate who much injustice you feel by only smashing up shops that sell nice stuff? Funny that Waterstones is left untouched yet every electrical shop or sportswear shop is cleared out.


There was a pharmacist on the news last night who said he begged them to leave his premises and thankfully they did...he obviously got lucky.

They are targeting JD sports apparently now!

You do have to wonder about the parents, if I was in that situation I would not allow my child to go out of the house. There was a shot on Sky news yesterday of a couple of children, maybe 11/12 years old and 2 older women who could possibly be their mother(s) all filling shopping trolleys, what hope is there is the adults cannot show restraint.

I am not surprised by the police response, I imagine they are so worried about going in heavy handed because the response will be "they overreacted" I think they are in a no win situation, they are either going to be accused of either not doing enough and letting it happen or using too much force. I would not be surprised to see the army and water cannons deployed soon.

It is absolutely disgraceful that it took 3 days for the PM and Mayor to come back off their holidays too.

My heart breaks for the people and families who have lost their homes and businesses, I hope the community gives those scumbags who burnt down homes what they deserve.
My heart breaks for the people and families who have lost their homes and businesses, I hope the community gives those scumbags who burnt down homes what they deserve.

The community let this happen. Everyone one of them out there jumping around and waving while the news cameras on are, everyone of them that's standing there with their kids recording it on their mobile phones. All of them let this happen. Everyone of them who doesn't give a damn that their kid is out there doing this.

But it's fine because the "community leaders" come out and rant that it's the rest of society's fault, we can't blame the scumbags or their parents. It's great that the most of society is just scraping by, doing their best to not only be a good parent, but feed, clothe and house their kids and it's their fault that more money isn't taken off them and pumped into giving the lazy, deadbeat parents a playground or community hall for them to not give a damn about their kids never being at home and so their kids can also trash and vandalise.
I was watching Sky News reporting from Clapham. The reporter was from there, and you could see the stunned look on his face. What's striking is the impunity that these thugs and yobs have.

The thuggery has been tagged onto the killing of that bloke Duggan (who apparently wasn't the most savoury character anyway). There is a rush to "explain" it in terms of race and poverty. I heard a community worker compare it to the fecking storming of the Bastille! Oh for God's sake. This is nothing but criminal yobs out of control with a fig-leaf of an excuse enabling them to go on a wrecking and robbing spree.

Someone's going to get killed or badly hurt, probably some old people. The lawful residents of these places need the police to act decisively. They have rights too.
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Will be interesting to see what the reaction would be if the police did respond decisively. Bet you would still have these bleeding heart liberals coming out calling for inquiries into the abuse of civil rights blah blah blah. The water cannon and rubber bullets should have been out last night. Can understand why the police didn't but these people declared war on the ordinary people and police of London. Good practice for the Olympics anyway.
The England football team are supposed to be playing Holland in a friendly. You can imagine thousands of dutch fans in the middle of the london riots!
The question for us is....will it spread here...I wonder if the shinners are busy this morning ;)
The community let this happen. Everyone one of them out there jumping around and waving while the news cameras on are, everyone of them that's standing there with their kids recording it on their mobile phones. All of them let this happen. Everyone of them who doesn't give a damn that their kid is out there doing this.

But it's fine because the "community leaders" come out and rant that it's the rest of society's fault, we can't blame the scumbags or their parents. It's great that the most of society is just scraping by, doing their best to not only be a good parent, but feed, clothe and house their kids and it's their fault that more money isn't taken off them and pumped into giving the lazy, deadbeat parents a playground or community hall for them to not give a damn about their kids never being at home and so their kids can also trash and vandalise.

I do agree with you, as I said before, there were adults and children jointly helping themselves to the goodies. There were 2 "community leaders" on I think it was BBC news last night and they could not have been more different, one was as you describe, blaming everyone but the thugs, while the other was unequivocal in pointing the finger at the parents and community leaders who found excuses for the behaviour.
That video just underlines what we all know already. Normal folk are not doing this - its just the usual scumbags.
Tough one for the cops to balance though. Go in hard, take the flack from the loony lefty guys. Try and be peaceful about it, the normal folk lose.
They should just go in hard and put a stop to it

Screw the liberals
Cashier -you seemed not to approve of Knuttell's suggestion that looters be shot on site.

Surely a few injured scumbags (I'd go for rubber bullets) would make their fellow looters and arsonists ponder whether they should continue destroying people's shops, homes and terrorising families including your children.
Also,a quick, albeit brutal, stop to those activities may prevent the burning to death of those innocent families.

If the police don't start shooting rubber bullets property owners may start using real ones.

At the very least a few rubber bullets would act as an incentive for them to stay at home and play with their stolen computer games.

(P.S. Whilst I disagree with your views above I am lost in admiration of your amazingly brilliant best-buy money guides.)
best-buy guides
They should just go in hard and put a stop to it

Screw the liberals

How could you..these are not scumbags, these are just poor unfortunates who, through no fault of their own, have ended up like this. What we need is to increase spending to educate these people and increase the supports available to them :rolleyes: