Legal Question - Court summons for having a dirty reg

I've been in this position before myself.
A while ago I was driving and I had to turn left. There was a bus lane and the only possible way to turn left was to drive into the bus lane.
Any bus lane I've seen at a left turn has a marked arrow on the road and a break in the continuous white line indicating where you can leave the main road to make the left turn. Perhaps you jumped lane before the designated spot?
Maybe the Garda should have gone to the roadworks site with all the muck and debris and fined the builders for having it that way. ...

I have vague recollections of reading about people being fined for muddying roads. It was more than ten years ago, perhaps as many as twenty. In recent years I thought a few such prosecutions might have served a useful purpose in dealing with some of the worst offenders and getting a message across to everybody else.

Perhaps OP was picked on for a similar reason. Unreadable number plates are a potential problem. A few prosecutions might bring the message home to people generally.
Morgeuse I was only being tongue in cheek. I cannot believe you are being summonsed for a dirty car reg.

Sorry, I was in literal mode there! I'm getting really down about this, I was stupid enough to tell people on the site what happened and they're all having a great laugh at my expense. "When are you going to court morgause?" etc. I suppose I'm worse for letting it get to me. Oh well!
Sorry, I was in literal mode there! I'm getting really down about this, I was stupid enough to tell people on the site what happened and they're all having a great laugh at my expense. "When are you going to court morgause?" etc. I suppose I'm worse for letting it get to me. Oh well!

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That is a consequence of posting in a public forum, but you can lock the thread using the "Thread tools" link just above the first post on this page. If you want to update the thread at a later date, you can re-open it to make your update.

No I meant the building site where I work!

I'm really happy to have this thread and hear everyone's opinions.
This is slightly off topic but I dont think its been mentioned yet. Where you driving anywhere near the M50 Toll by any chance? I have noticed a large amount of vehicles pass by the cameras at the toll with number plates that are impossible to read due to the dirt.

Could this Garda be hitting you becasue of this? Could it be an instruction from his Super to target motorists with dirty number plates that are driving on or around the toll ?
This is slightly off topic but I dont think its been mentioned yet. Where you driving anywhere near the M50 Toll by any chance? I have noticed a large amount of vehicles pass by the cameras at the toll with number plates that are impossible to read due to the dirt.

Could this Garda be hitting you becasue of this? Could it be an instruction from his Super to target motorists with dirty number plates that are driving on or around the toll ?

That is a very good point but no I was nowhere near a toll. Down in the southeast of the country, about as far from a toll bridge as you'd get!
Morgause, whatever you do get a solicitor. Unless you know the ins and outs of the law I definately would not represent myself.

At the end of the day you don't know what the Garda is going to say on the stand about you.
Hi any update, I’m in same situation as you, have you received anything from the court?