Legal apprenticeship: any tips on trying to find a trainee solicitor job


Ah perhaps i'm an optimist but I think there will be a turn for the better by end of 2009 so 2010 should be better than now. Worst problem at the moment is the uncertainty.

With regard to the effect of the economy on traineeships - I think 2009 will be the lowest entry level ever! However, unfortunately for those of us not going in to 2009 - it means that there will be an amount applying for 2010 so even if the economy does improve - we will again be up against pretty bad odds.

ahhh!! Kinda makes me appreciate this flaming painful job i'm in!!
Just wondering about MHC, if u didnt get that e-mail about the summer internship does that amount to a PFO? im guessing yes!
You are right Irishlawgirl - what ever happens, the situation will not be favourable. It's a classic Catch 22 isn't it!

Lawgradgal, I would ring MHC and get an answer out of them. Is anyone going to bother applying for their internship by the way?
nah did a few last year and got nothing out of it
think im going travelling because this is all dragging me down!
hi guys, here's some useful info i acquired on a different blog site:

The UK route is not an easy option. Having said that, excellent grades at Leaving Cert and degree level will open a lot of doors - first-class is first-class, after all. Recruitment is on merit and not on connections a lot of the time, which significantly differs from the Irish system. Being Irish is not a significant disadvantage to TC-hunting, but the only thing I have come across is the need to convince firms that I have a good life here in the UK, have some roots and would not just feck off home once I'd got the qualification under my belt and leave them high and dry.

I have a 2.1 + LLM from UCC, and I qualified this year, with one year working between LPC and TC to get some good quality UK legal experience. Pretty much a tick-box career, except that I'm not practising at the moment, for a variety of reasons.

There are still a lot of firms recruiting trainees at the moment, even though the economic downturn has hit hard here too. If you are serious about qualifying at all costs, and have good or top grades, then I would recommend applying NOW for vac schemes (see CVMailUK for the ones taking applications online). These are the best ways to get in front of the firms and show what you can do. I never did one, and I regret that. Then just apply like mad - apply, apply, apply, for everything going, and with luck, if you are good enough, you'll hook a TC before you start the LPC. If not, there's always hope that you will secure one afterward, but it's no secret that the outlook has become grimmer in the last year or so for anyone wishing to work in law. It takes a lot of motivation to keep applying in the face of seemingly endless rejection, but for most people, the payoff is there.

The only ones I would counsel against are those students with a 2.2 or below. Really, it's not going to be worth their time given that they'll be moving abroad to try set up a new life as well as having lower starting prospects than most trainee candidates - it's a double disadvantage.
Hey folks

Just came across this thread - its really informative.

Just looking for some advice and feedback from you guys.
I received an offer from Cox this morning and also have offer from MOP from internship this summer. Just wondering has anyone got experience of these places as im racking my brains as to which one to accept. Also got interview with Fry's but think I would opt for the current two offers over Fry's but may do interview just to get a sense of the place - you never know it could change my mind.

Anyway any feedback that you could provide would be much appreciated- thanks
Hey the champ, just wondering were u on the waiting list for cox, or how come u only got the offer today? Well done on your two offers- theyre both great firms!
Personally I think I would choose Arthur Cox, you can't beat the no.1 firm at the end of the day! Depends which you got a better feel for..
Its very strange about dillon eustace.. the first person to say they'd heard from them seems like ages ago but then a lot of people still waiting. They're pretty much only ones im waiting to hear from now.

Well done champ, I wouldnt stress too much bout either.. the hard part is done!! And they're both good firms.

Any tips for MOP? I feel sooo unprepared for interview.. im going away for new year too i.e. right before it..ahhh!
Hey guys,

I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this one.

I have an interview with Dillion Eustace. I am just wondering what to expect.

I would love some advice from ppl who have had interviews with them, done apprenticeships with them or worked for them.

Thanks in advance:)
Have an interview with Dillon Eustace sometime in early January. They are being very sketchy with details..............its like Mission Impossible or something. And whats with the 15 minute time limit? Curiouser and curiouser!! Has anyone actually done an interview with them before or know what they are like?
yeah tips about O'Donnell Sweeney and Eversheds that would be great too.

Thanks in advance.
Hi guys,

I had a meeting(a pseudo interview if you will!!) with a solicitor today in my home town. He spent around ten minutes telling me how this profession is f****d. The bottom has fell out of the legal profession. He told me that there is no prospects at all at the moment. Now I know we all know this, but it was just hit home more coming straight from the horses mouth. More interestingly he informed me that Arthur Cox are going to be letting all of their apprentices go after they're qualified. This is the same for a large majority of trainees in all firms.As well he was warning me that the general public hate solicitors. Hate. Basically he was asking me do I have anything else I want to do and to go for that as opposed to becoming a solicitor.

Just thought I'd share the info, because I know that anyone who gets PFO's from everywhere (and I mean everywhere) gets discouraged. Its so sickening that all these firms came to college and maintained that everything was fine and encouraged us all to apply, and then not take on any trainees or take on the bare minimum. It's all a big pile of PR crap, they just don't want to let on that they are suffering, more than any other profession. Getting rejected from absolutely EVERYWHERE does get you down, but we have to remember its not us... it's the economy!! :)
hey guys, just wondering when did you hear from ODSE? And was it a letter or e-mail? I haven't heard anything from them yet...
Hi guys,

I had a meeting(a pseudo interview if you will!!) with a solicitor today in my home town. He spent around ten minutes telling me how this profession is f****d. The bottom has fell out of the legal profession. He told me that there is no prospects at all at the moment. Now I know we all know this, but it was just hit home more coming straight from the horses mouth. More interestingly he informed me that Arthur Cox are going to be letting all of their apprentices go after they're qualified. This is the same for a large majority of trainees in all firms.As well he was warning me that the general public hate solicitors. Hate. Basically he was asking me do I have anything else I want to do and to go for that as opposed to becoming a solicitor.

Just thought I'd share the info, because I know that anyone who gets PFO's from everywhere (and I mean everywhere) gets discouraged. Its so sickening that all these firms came to college and maintained that everything was fine and encouraged us all to apply, and then not take on any trainees or take on the bare minimum. It's all a big pile of PR crap, they just don't want to let on that they are suffering, more than any other profession. Getting rejected from absolutely EVERYWHERE does get you down, but we have to remember its not us... it's the economy!! :)

So Mag, what ya gonna do???

I've been having similar thoughts...but having got all my FE1's I've v reluctant to let this go... but then again...apparently there was an article in Indo/IT yday re the desperate situation that prevails in the legal know solicitors losing jobs, massive oversupply of trainee's....v v bleak picture painted indeed. Anyone read it?? If so someone post up the link, have searched but can't find.

Been working in a small v specialised lawfirm for last two months, we're beyond busy...but don't think i'd want my traineeship there, its too specific and the solrs i work under are unbelievably disorganised, REALLY.
So my thoughts are, try look for a traineeship this year...if unsuccessful I'll throw in the towel, this sItuation is only gonna get worse, not better. The legal profession is not what it was

what are peoples views on this?
Ellig82, I'm still in final year, but the plan was to do my blackhalls when I finish, and it's still the plan, but the solicitor who was I met with promised he'd do his best to either place me with him, or with a colleague, however that could change!! If I don't get a traineeship then I'm going to do an LLM or just feck off travelling for a while, living off my wits! One of the things I didn't realise though was that solicitors are employed in more sectors than I the ESB, Bord Gais etc etc.. We just have to keep our eyes open, they managed it in the 80's and so will we! Stick it out anyways and qualify, and then a lot more doors will open for you career wise.
What's killing me is that there's nothing else I want to do!

I'm not gonna bail just yet, my next steps require serious thought...for now I have a secure job in the right industry and that's all that matters. I can sit tight, have 5 years to get a traineeship, and at this rate I may well need them!