Legal apprenticeship: any tips on trying to find a trainee solicitor job

Not liking this silence!! Guessing no one has heard from A&L, MOP or Frys..! Or did someone hear from A&L or am I imagining it?? Will re-read last few posts!!

Also re Maples and Calder - haven't heard a bean! Anyone get more phonecalls (after 8 Dec)?? Or a PFO??

Got PFO from A&L last week. Also got a PFO from Hayes two days ago via email. Also PFO from Beauchamps.

Waiting to hear from Cox. Not looking good at this stage.
ha!!! I can't believe it!! I completely forgot a PFO from A&L !!!! Last week!! ooh i'm dreaming at this stage!!!!!
got an email from maples inviting me for interview, didnt get a phone call tho. And I heard from cox's too, not sure if everyone has or not. Got pfo's for goodbody and mccanns. Really want mops tho so fingers crossed! when do u think we'll hear from them? It seems ages since we applied...
Just got a call and email from MOP. You mean offers for Coxs are out??
here we go!!! MOPs interviews are out so......wonderful!! Phone hasn't made a sound today!

Soo now the only one left is WFry.

Ooh this is depression central!!
Mops might not make all calls this evening.. Have yet to hear from BCM Hanby Wallace, ODSE and LK Shields as well.
lk shields are going through cv's at the moment, they emailed me last friday because they couldnt open my cv for some reason, and asked me to resend it, which i thought was quite nice of them. I would expect them to start getting back to people next week. So mops are ringing AND sending emails?
got an email from maples inviting me for interview, didnt get a phone call tho. And I heard from cox's too, not sure if everyone has or not. Got pfo's for goodbody and mccanns. Really want mops tho so fingers crossed! when do u think we'll hear from them? It seems ages since we applied...

Are the offers from Cox out then???
I think they probably are- not definite tho that everyone has heard. Do u think that everyone that has a mop interview will have an email by now?
I am sooo has Mops sent out all interviews???? I got no call:( Crap!!!!! This is way too depressing:( Also received no call from Maples and Calder so loks like the only interview i'll be doing is A&L....great....looks like i'm really goingto have to impress, only have one shot.
My friends daughter did 5 FE1s and pass them she still has 3 to do. She did not apply for any Apprenticeships as she was not expecting to pass the exams is it now too late to apply anywhere. She has been told that is it only the large firms that are taking on people ...could this be true!!!
It's too late to apply to the big firms (although from the looks of things - it might also have been futile to even have applications in on time as they're taking NO ONE on!).

As for the rest of Ireland - smaller/medium firms are just not taking anyone on this year from what i've been told. If the big firms are cutting their numbers in half then the smaller firms, who generally only take on one or two are basically cutting the number altogether and taking on no one. Blackhall in Dublin will be some sight I think!! The Law Society will have some drop in fees!! (silver lining!!)
Got PFO from A&L last week. Also got a PFO from Hayes two days ago via email. Also PFO from Beauchamps.

Waiting to hear from Cox. Not looking good at this stage.

Received a PFO from Arthur Cox via post this morning. Have to say - they're one classy firm - lovely rejection letter as rejection letters go!! (Genuinely!)

Haven't heard from MOPs so I guess that ship has sailed too.
Got a call from MOP earlier although I was in an exam so didn't get the voicemail til after; they sent an e-mail over too

Sorry to hear about the rejection from Arthur Cox, they do have a really nice letter though, I dunno if it's the same as the ones after the first round interviews?
I guess that means that MOPs have called everyone by now re interviews! thats just great....looks like they also don't want me:( Why did i bother working for a first class law degree if it means absolutely nothing!!!