Legal apprenticeship: any tips on trying to find a trainee solicitor job

Just emailed law soc re timeline for fe1's - realistically it must be from passing the final FE1 as some people would be at a tremendous disadvantage if it took them over two or three years to pass the fe1's and that does happen.

However, as with everything to do with ap'ships - this could be the final nail in the coffin !
Don't want to be spamming this thread but FYI from the law soc:

"If you passed the FE-1's in November 2006 then you have five years from the December of that year to hold onto the 8 passes. If this time lapses before you obtain indentures, then you will need to re-sit the examinations after that 5 years."
Does anyone know when William Fry, A & L and MOPs are handing out their letters re interviews. Didn't yet get a letter from Arthur Cox so guess that means I've not got a second interview...for the second year in a row!!!! :(
I'd say the second week in December is when we'll hear from WF, A&L and MOP. Once anyone gets any response from them could they post it up here?

Didn't get any letter from A Cox today either - how rude.
No letter from Cox for me today either. Looks like it will be a hatrick of not getting a second interview.

So it seems it you get five years from passing your first FE1s then? How mean! or am i picking this up wrong?
So it seems it you get five years from passing your first FE1s then? How mean! or am i picking this up wrong?[/quote] - nope - it's from your last sitting of them. (some good news!)

can I ask - everyone who hasn't received a letter - did you sit the interview last week as opposed to having the interview in the first week (i.e. on 13 and 14 Nov)?
I definitely haven't received a letter, still at home but going into college soon - I was on the first week (12th) of interviews.
oh that's some good news then. it would be too cruel otherwise.
i did my interview on the 14th and still nothing.
no i haven't heard of anyone getting them but when you do the maths, the majority of people will get one. they are just making everyone wait.
this website is probably my only link to anyone doing these flaming things - am very grateful for everyone's input!

Half tempted to fly home just in case!! Interviews are on in less than two days.. i'm guessing invitations to 2nd round interviews would all be out by today at the latest.

I got someone to make a snoopy call to cox's about the letters. The girl said that they have more letters to send out today- although i suspect said letters are PFOs.

the stalking of the postman will continue for the next few days though. i live in hope.

this website is great. i'd probably crack up if i didn't have somewhere to vent.
lol! Your friend should do it and see what they say and get the interview dates
cox interviews are on wednesday,thursday,friday this week and monday,tuesday,wednesday next week. seems that all offers were sent out and received last friday as quite a few people i know have been called back. I know that 4 people from by group interview have got a second round interview offer. im assuming that pfos will go out today but there may possibly be a second week of interviews as getting through 100 individual interviews lasting about 40mins each would be quite hard to do in just one week but i may be wrong. there is alot of confusion about cox and they are unfortunately being quite secretive about the whole affair!!
I didn't get to round two...........

Oooohhhhh dear !!! What to do now!! I've got a weak heart from all this waiting and disappointment.
Sorry to hear you didn't get it Irishlawgirl. did they tell you on the phone or did you finally get the letter?

thanks for the info Lawhead! did you get the second round? good luck if you did.

has anybody applied to ODSE by the way? i haven't yet and i'm in two minds whether to bother or not
I got a letter - think most will be out tomorrow though - I always get my post early for some reason (the joys!).

ahh now everyone in work knows I didn't get as far as round two! great. If I hadn't so much to do (that i've put off since doing my interview cause I was so distracted - I'd go home!).

I think i'll give myself until April - that seems like a lifetime away and if I don't get an app'ship by then - I may as well go travelling. I think once the fe1's and experience is under the belt - you can do no more.

ahhh!!! I'm verging on giving up!!
well just see how it goes. you never know where your luck may lie!
if i was you, i would go travelling - you've suffered too much of this nightmare. i think a holiday is well earned.
Doesnt look like it no letter yet, was dissappointed initally cos i have a 1.1, loads of extra cirricular activities and work experience but i think i talked way to much in my interview and did alot of disagreeing......stupid i know!!first ever interview though! but it seems they are interviewing a good spread of people as two of my friends with 2.1s got a call back and and then another one with first in her year in civil and a great personality didnt get through so it seems to be a bit of a lottery to a degree, thats why id much prefer individual interviews as its hard to convey an accurate representation of your personality in a large group like that with everyone just being as sweet as pie! and lawgirl dont give up, apply for things such as the washington ireland programe or internships in the US, or FLACs intern offer in america as things like that jump out much more than say a masters, the key is setting yourself apart from everyone else with unique experineces. Roll on the rest of the offers!!!