Legal apprenticeship: any tips on trying to find a trainee solicitor job

Oh Irishlawgirl, I feel your pain but whatever you do do not doubt the great work you have done so far.We are just particularly unlucky that we want to enter the working world in these uncertain times-If we had graduated like 5 or 6 years earlier we'd be laughing!!
I totally get what you mean bout the stress of it too-found myself ranting to a random taxi driver on saturday nite about how much work I had put into the degree and masters and how I feel now like I shouldnt have bothered even doing my bloody leaving cert!!
It is so disheartening!Would you consider going abroad to become a lawyer n then doing the conversion exams?that is such a reality for me although Id be in huge debt since ,y parents could never afford to pay for it!Might be worth it in the long run!Feckin Top 5 firms have our confidence diminshed-GRRRRRRRRR
ha!! I did graduate 4 years ago!! did FE1's -all finished since 2006, then been ploughing away getting good experience, further education (diplomas in the Law Soc) and hopefully another qualification by end of next year but.. you're right about the costs involved! I've racked up some debt in the last year - just being a brat really thinking i'd get an a'ship and i'll stop shopping so much!! .........didn't happen!! Wouldn't mind going to another country to qualify - I always maintained because i'd suffered doing the Fe1's that it would NEVER be an option but there's no point at all holding on to them at this stage if i'm not going to qualify !

Small firms (as in, the rest of Ireland!) are probaby not taking anyone on this year - i've rang one or two firms already that I met with last year and they said the very same thing - not this year (i.e. 2009 whatsoever!) so it is a question of pinning all the hopes on the biggies - McCann Fitz already starting the ball rolling with that one! Not!

Saying that, the job i'm in, I could stay at it for another two years and still find it challenging and the perks are great - it's just i'd feel like I was failing myself somehow as all i've ever talked about was getting an app'ship but being a paralegal in a top 4 isn't bad at all but ahhhh!!! round and round in circles we go!!

I thought last year's climate was bad to get an a''ship - this is possibly the worst to date!

Does anyone know where there is an "easier" country to qualify in - other than the UK? The thoughts of how much it would cost are already giving me grief!! I'd love Italy!!!!
why won't the place you are in not take you on as an apprentice,
Is there a reason
I'm just wondering whether other prospective offices might perhaps be asking why your current office won't take you on, (have good reply ready if they do)

keep trying and don't overlook any opportunity for getting your foot in the door anywhere
well I went for the interviews last year - but they didn't internally hire any of the paralegals - so if i'm asked again i'll just stick with that - they that don't internally hire the paralegals in here - which is bizarre as most of the biggies do that - I use the word bizarre - when aggravatingly annoying is more true!

I'm hoping to be called for interview again - but nothing is ever definite!

I'm also hoping to have months off to do some travelling... ooh i'm getting too old for this stress!
irishlawgirl, possibily then I would say that potential employers consider it an issue that your current employer won't take you on, I'm not trying to be negative here just trying to ensure that you have considered how other offices might consider the position, especially when they themselves might take on their legal exec's as apprentices, they may be wondering why your office hasn't done the same for you
all the best with your job hunt
(a good friend of mine struggled for ages to get an apprentice's position and found out about potential position from chatting to someone he was introduced to a social gathering worked out very well for him so fingers crosssed you'll be as lucky)
Know what you're saying but if the firm doesn't want to internally hire I can do diddly ! William Fry never even asked me did my firm take me on - the trainee in the warm-up waiting room did!! Not a nice girl methinks!!! What a warm up - so you didn't an app'ship where you are eh??!! oooh I'll remember her name!!

Just want my housemates to go home and check the post!!! Ooh i'll be in some mood if I don't get to round two after doing it last year!! ha!! ooh the mood!!!

However, perhaps it will be an incentive to spam the rest of Ireland.

Does anyone consider it to be too early to start spamming other firms?
Just want my housemates to go home and check the post!!! Ooh i'll be in some mood if I don't get to round two after doing it last year!! ha!! ooh the mood!!!

I'm at home all day today as I've no lectures and I've been waiting on the post since this morning. It's usually here at 12 but at this stage it seems like there's nothing coming... still haven't heard of anyone that got a rejection letter so I'm kinda worried. Thought the interview went quite well so I really want to find out ASAP what the story is. I got to the interview stage for an internship last summer on the basis of my application which I was pleased with seen as most of my class didn't get that far, so as Irishlawgirl said, I'll be annoyed if I don't get it this year!

On that point, would anyone have an opinion on trying the internship route this summer if I don't get any interviews/contract offers?? As I'm just finishing college this summer, it seems like a viable option to get a foot in the door? In the A.Cox interviews last year for the internship, there were plenty of Masters students or candidates who had started their Fe1's
The internship route always goes in people's favour but from what i've seen - it's generally people who are still in college that go for these - perhaps going for the whole lock stock and barrell would be more effective - i.e. a paralegal role in a firm? Three weeks is all well and good if you can get it, but it's going to be as hard as getting an a'ship - just wouldn't bank on getting it so ensure you have back ups.

We must be the most depressing / "it will go wrong" thread in this thing!!
Well, I got nothing in the post today from A Cox so I obviously didn't get a second interview. They should really let people know much sooner though. The waiting is terrible and until I get a PFO, I'll still hold out hope!!

Has anyone heard owt from other firms about interviews, rejections?
Hello, am new to posting but i have been following this thread with interest. i had my group interview in AC too (for the third year in a row!) and there was no post for me today :(
Really disappointed this time, i thought i did really well in the interview but the lack of post says otherwise.

I'm guessing that this will be the first of many rejections, yet again..
Third time?! Fair play! They must be interested in you - perhaps third time lucky??? Still in work - need to be at home to see what the post has to offer!! I'm just seeing people being made redundant left right and centre - this could NOT be a worse time looking for an a'ship!

wish the other firms would hurry on - at least McCann fitz got on with things promptly - even if it was to PFO the majority of people it seems! What is taking them so long? Guess it doesn't really matter to the firms when they get their letters out - they're not interviewing until January. Oohhh to not be at the bottom of every ladder!!

Keep trying to look up qualifying elsewhere but it's virtually impossible to find a link that says : this is how you qualify in this country! (perhaps it's to put people off!!!)
Hello, am new to posting but i have been following this thread with interest. i had my group interview in AC too (for the third year in a row!) and there was no post for me today :(
Really disappointed this time, i thought i did really well in the interview but the lack of post says otherwise.

I'm guessing that this will be the first of many rejections, yet again..

Did you ask AC what you fell down on in the last 2 years? I'm just waiting to get a confirmation of rejection and then I'll e-mail and ask because I thought I'd a good chance after the group interview and on my application
No I didn't ask them before mainly because I knew I didn't get it as soon as it was done. But once I do hear from them this time, I definitely will email.

It is such a bad time to be trying to find an apprenticeship. It seems contacts will be crucial in the hunt nowadays not merit.
There are so many stories of redundancies coming out of the law firms - almost all of my law friends are training now and most of them have been told that they will not have a job once they qualify or they had to take a severe pay cut.

I really want to get an apprenticeship this year, I don't think I can afford another year of hanging around and not getting a career off the ground.

Has anyone got suggestions on "Plan B"?
I have read the last number pages and feel bad for you all. I am 2 years qualified in a top 10 firm (and feeling very lucky!). At the time I had a decent choice of offers, but then the market was very different in 2003.
However, I would offer the following as pointers:
- Make sure your CV/application forms are impeccable and CV is tailored to the firm. Double check spelling / grammar. When I was in my final year, I asked one of my lecturers to review my CV.
- Know what the firm does and the areas where each firm is a market leader. There are sites that specialise in this and rank law firms. eg. Chambers Europe website.
- When you interview, if you are asked an impossible question, be ready. You do not need to know the answer, just a way of giving a sensiblewhile response, remaining composed.
- You need to stand out from other candidates. You should have something on your CV that proves you are not just a book worm. They want rounded individuals to complement what they already have.

Good luck!
Still haven't gotten any letter from AC ! Interviews start this Thursday in there! (they said in the grou interview last few days of this week and the first week of Dec) - the mind boggles!!

Know that there is a paralegal in AC also waiting for a letter also - if experience and all the fe1's don't count for much nowadays - what does!

As for plan B? I think i'd need a wide bearth from law!!

Question: Is it five years from when you have your first FE1 or your last that you have to secure an a'ship within! There's always debate on this and I need a straight answer as my time is either up in 2010 or 2011 ! (ahhh!! haven't even gone travelling!!)
I could not be more unproductive at work today! Have to keep thinking what the back up plan would be. I'm sick to my teeth worrying about this!

Anyone thinking of considering contacting any of the firms to ask them about the timeframe? Think i'd give a false name!! Before they write "pushy!!!" beside my name!

I've heard pretty much all of Cork and Limerick won't be taking anyone on this year - it basically all lies in Dublin (I know there will be other small firms out there but i'd imagine they're already sown up by now).

doom doom doom!
Irishlawgirl, I'm not really sure what the answer to your question is. I think on every set of results they say that any exemptions earned are valid for five years.
You should email the FE-1 section of the law society: and get them to answer your question.
I really feel for everyone on here, especially those of you who've been working towards it for years!! I just graduated this year with my law degree, did my first set of FE1s in Oct but I'm already pretty certain I'm gonna abandon it....I can't see any realistic chance of getting an a'ship this year or even next year. Considering most of the big firms hire a few years in advance, it would be years before I'd qualify even if things pick up in a few years. Loads of my friends are in the same position too and it's really frustrating after putting heart and soul into the FE1s right after our final exams.

I remember a Law Soc woman coming to talk to us in college last year about how just the Fe1s stood in the way of us and our a' of my friends asked her 'what if we cant find an apprenticeship?' and she was taken aback and just said 'well everyone gets one eventually' without actually telling us how long 'eventually' could be!! A lot of people I know are still in dreamworld thinking an a'ship will just fall into their laps but they don't read peoples experiences on here or even take a second to realise that firms just ain't hiring like they used to be.

I'm looking into doing primary or secondary teaching now, luckily I did some extra subjects with my law degree so I can pursue this....I know the situation isn't much better with those professions but I think I'll stand a better chance at least.
I really do think that anyone who is still looking for an apprenticeship would be foolish to hedge all their bets on getting on. While I sure some people will be successful, it would be prudent to have a plan B.

At the moment, I have 3 FE-1s to my name and I'm waiting on the results of the rest. I am going to finish them all off even if it kills me. I've spent too much time on them now just to abandon them. At least they are valid for five years so my plan is to keep applying in the hope that sometime in the next five years, success might come my way.

that being said, once i've finished them, I plan to train up and get the professional qualification in my current job and if law doesn't work out, i'll have my back-up. :)
ahh!!! the thoughts of a plan B !!! I'm withered!! I've spent four years since college doing FE1s and doing more exams on top of those and gaining great experience - which in itself was very hard to do - I could keep doing this if I knew i'd get some reward at some stage down the line... but sure - realistically, i'll wait and see if any of the biggies want to interview me - then send CV's out the rest of the world and then deal with plan B - in the grand scheme of things - i'm not in a bad position as i'm still learning loads with work. Hard thing is having invested so much time and money to get this far and not to qualify.