This is only coming to my attention now for a couple of reasons, firstly, i never really understood a judgment mortgage and i had completely forgotten about it and secondly, i was hoping to avail of the DNR this year but this loan is now a secured loan as there is a jm that exists. And clearly, from my information today the current creditor isn't bothered and hasn't gone to the trouble of transferring it into their name. And i feel, the jm should be removed as the old creditor sold my debt and i nolonger deal with them...
You can write to the new company that is collecting you judgment and request up to date details of your account when they took it over from the company that took out the judgement. You know what you have been paying and see if this tally’s up with your payments then. Also you can ask them to see the authority have they from the court to collect your judgement debt.
Tell them that you will be stopping all payments forthwith to them until your receive the above documents. That should get some results from them. Make sure you keep all letters to them.