This is very welcome I have to say. As a public sector worker I have never been comfortable with the blanket public/private sector comparison. I always thought it to be a lazy comparison made by people intent on creating a divide between workers.
There are roughly 5-6 times more private sector workers than public sector workers which indicates levels of business activity not provided by the PbS. These activities will encompass all skill levels from highly technical, professional and innovative to low-skilled minimum wage. The PbS will encompass these skill levels also but it remains to be seen to what range.
Certainly across all government departments and agencies people of high qualification, experience are employed, comparable to high skilled workers in the PrS.
And while there are also low-skilled workers employed in the PbS, the level and range of their activities would not be comparable to the level and range of low skilled work in the PrS.
This is not a sleight on PrS workers (ive worked 10yrs in PrS and am married to PrS worker), just stating a fact that there are no mushroom pickers, car wash attendents, deli workers, trainee hairdressers, waiting staff, fast-food workers, cinema attendants etc...etc...all of which, and more, are associated with low or minimum wage pay.
This, in the round, will have the effect of lowering average overall wages in PrS compared to the PbS in my opinion.
So the opportunity to make wage comparisons between comparable groupings is welcome.