It doesn't get worse than this . . .

And he was exposing his [broken link removed] to them...

[broken link removed]

heh heh :D

jaysus, though, that pic brings back memories (of much more innocent fun)

didn't realise then I was pedalling pornography
Did they actually determine the blokes sexual orientation .... you know was it a mens bike or a woman's bike he was being all amorous with?
It's a disappointment for the green lobby.
According to them cycling produces fewer emissions.
Keeping this thread freewheeling along :D -

In 1997 Robert Watt, 38, was fined £100 for trying to have sex with a shoe in an Edinburgh street (BBC)

A hundred pounds - he was definitely walked on by the Judge ;)
News from Newmarket; a stable boy has been arrested for having sex with a racehorse. Apparently he had been grooming it for months.