It could happen to any of us.........

As a nurse wouldnt you think she'd know a bit about precautions (& ok condoms mightnt be 100%).

Plus is it not a bit funny she cant remember if it was Friday or Saturday - maybe she had "nights of passion" on both nights but if she did then how is she so sure its punter #2.

Betsy Og he's a man in his twenties you think he'd know a bit about precautions!
Plus is it not a bit funny she cant remember if it was Friday or Saturday - maybe she had "nights of passion" on both nights but if she did then how is she so sure its punter #2.
Can you remember precisely what nights you might have been out on the town on in April 2007? I know I couldn't. I hope that doesn't mean some people will assume that I am some sort of alcoholic sex maniac.
Betsy Og he's a man in his twenties you think he'd know a bit about precautions!

As far as I am concerned, the woman is the one that can get pregnant and be left holding the baby so it is her responsibility to protect herself and her own body - lets face it the guy just wants a quick one nighter - that's it, he didn't leave his number and she didn't even get his name. She's living in a dream world if she thinks this guy is going to play happy families with her.

Me thinks this was a Coyote situation........ he would rather have chewed his own arm off the next morning then wake her up :D
As a nurse wouldnt you think she'd know a bit about precautions (& ok condoms mightnt be 100%).

Plus is it not a bit funny she cant remember if it was Friday or Saturday - maybe she had "nights of passion" on both nights but if she did then how is she so sure its punter #2.


Clubman I think its normal enough for young ones to go out 2 nights in a row. I use go out the 3 nights myself when I was young one but if she's so sure it's him why can't she remember which night it was. She knew she was pregnant 6 weeks later so it would have been easily worked out at that stage.

Maybe its she went out on friday night but the passion was in the early hours of sat morning.
Ok its extreme to go on a talk show to seek help but what about substituting extreme with despair?

The poor girl is being slanted for a) going to Coppers b) possibly going to Coppers two nights in a row c) having a one night stand d) getting pregnant.

To even this out a bit most people would (if you replace the venue) fall into the category of ticking two or more of these boxes, but are hopefully not paying for it now by trying to rear a child singlehandedly.

For what its worth I honestly hope this is a wind up rather than some poor girl trying to bring up her baby without support. And by using the word support I'm referring to emotional support rather than maintenance, although of course she should get this from the person, who is after all the father of the baby.

Its easy to smile at the possible naivety of her hope for a happy ending but its also rather sad that it takes something like this to highlight the differences between men and women. Where has our sympathy gone for single parents? This is somebody's daughter and/or sister and mother.

Its a sad situation and one which I hope works out for the best for her and their baby.
I've nothing but respect for this lady as she is genuinely trying to find the father of her baby girl to give them the chance to meet and hopefully bond and have some sort of father/daughter relationship.
She could very easily have not bothered and brought up the little girl on her own or how about the other extreme of fingering the wrong bloke as being the childs father :eek: how many men in Ireland are raising kids that aren't theirs at all :confused: I remember reading that the statistics were pretty high and I believe it since this happened to me and the goverment were very quick to ban the home dna test.

Hope she has luck with finding the guy because if it was me I'd want to know and I'd want the option of being there for the little girl
By any chance does anybody know if she did find the dad?

Yup, was on Ray Darcy this morning that she did indeed and has been in touch with him. He actually got in touch with Ray Darcy once he heard the story going around.
Fair play to the guy for getting in touch very honorable indeed.

And why does the post keep getting deleted I don't see anything offensive here? :confused:
What happened then? poor fellow, what a shocker!

According to the show he heard about the story going around, got a bit of a shock and then decided to ring them just to check/confirm if he was indeed the fella. After they confirmed it was him he got in touch with the mother and they're going to take it from there.
According to the show he heard about the story going around, got a bit of a shock and then decided to ring them just to check/confirm if he was indeed the fella. After they confirmed it was him he got in touch with the mother and they're going to take it from there.

good stuff hopefully a happy ending :)
Couldn't believe it when I saw that he has turned up!!!
Well, the best of luck to them and their baby.
You know what, I can feel a Cecilia Ahern moment coming on!!!
Maybe a very happy ending!
PS; I have a bit of news for you!!
Couldn't believe it when I saw that he has turned up!!!
Well, the best of luck to them and their baby.
You know what, I can feel a Cecilia Ahern moment coming on!!!
Maybe a very happy ending!
PS; I have a bit of news for you!![/quote]

News is good

**sits back into chair**

Please begin :D