It could happen to any of us.........

we are agreed that "I have to go football training" is the number one excuse for a lad to scarper after waking up beside an anonymous lady in a strange bed on a sunday morning. Whether they play football or not.
Excellent :D
After speaking with some guys on this over lunch, we are agreed that "I have to go football training" is the number one excuse for a lad to scarper after waking up beside an anonymous lady in a strange bed on a sunday morning. Whether they play football or not.

Is going to mass not up there?
Does anybody not find it strange that she is only looking for him now? I would have thought that on realising she was pregnant and deciding to keep the baby, she would have had a much better chance of finding him six months ago. TBH, I think the whole thing is a bit strange, was she nervous that she would come under pressure to have an abortion, or was she going to go it alone and then found it too much?
Maybe it will be a happy ending, but to be honest , a fellow heading out to football practise with never a call, or even leaving his number , doesn't exactly sound like a guy who wants commitment. She might be opening a very big can of worms.
Morto for her, how cliched that she's a nurse going to coppers if it turns out he's a guard I'll fall off the chair laughing. Its a sad story for the little girl though :(
What odds on the guy not being from Birmingham at all? Years ago one guy I worked with who was from Dublin used put on the worst Northern irish accent I've evver heard and tell the girls he hooked up with he was from Down. How they fell for it was beyond me but I suppose in a noisy pub or nightclub its hard to make out a phony accent and by the time they go outside drink takes over....

also she can't remember the exact date and there is no mention of his name......

wonder how many guys are reading this thinking "Was that me?"
I thought it sounded like she wants a relationship with him. That line about wanting to tell him he has a beautiful baby girl and take it from there.
Sounds a bit desperate to me.
What I found strange was that she couldn't remeber if it was a Friday or Saturday night. Was she out both nights or what.........
Years ago one guy I worked with who was from Dublin used put on the worst Northern irish accent I've evver heard and tell the girls he hooked up with he was from Down. How they fell for it was beyond me
Ah - the power of alcohol. And if that fails there's always Rohypnol!
Does anybody not find it strange that she is only looking for him now? I would have thought that on realising she was pregnant and deciding to keep the baby, she would have had a much better chance of finding him six months ago. TBH, I think the whole thing is a bit strange, was she nervous that she would come under pressure to have an abortion, or was she going to go it alone and then found it too much?
Maybe it will be a happy ending, but to be honest , a fellow heading out to football practise with never a call, or even leaving his number , doesn't exactly sound like a guy who wants commitment. She might be opening a very big can of worms.

The following is stated in that article. So she did try to find him at an earlier stage.

"However, soon after discovering she was pregnant, the woman hired private detectives to track down the man, but to no avail."
Didn't that RTE comedy (Naked Camera?) have a female character who used to look for the father of her unborn child on the bus, DART, Luas, street etc.?
Megan, you're right, I missed that bit. Well , good luck to her and I hope for her and the baby's sake that whatever happens is for the best.
The following is stated in that article. So she did try to find him at an earlier stage.

"However, soon after discovering she was pregnant, the woman hired private detectives to track down the man, but to no avail."

Trying to track down an unnamed man with an english accent that was in the most notorious singles bar in dublin, on a friday or saturday night, 3-4 months after the event?

If she could afford the investigation fees for that one, Im not sure she'd be after the bloke for maintenance.
As a nurse wouldnt you think she'd know a bit about precautions (& ok condoms mightnt be 100%).

Plus is it not a bit funny she cant remember if it was Friday or Saturday - maybe she had "nights of passion" on both nights but if she did then how is she so sure its punter #2.