I honestly think that the ideal situation is for both parents to work part-time.
I find that sharing the childcare responsibilities with my partner is very rewarding. Neither of us feel like we are 'sacrificing our careers' for our kids. I think the kids appreciate the variety in their week i.e. mam, dad, gran, and playschool. We're a pretty frugal lot so we can easily get by on our 2/3 approx salaries.
Also being a sole earner can also be quite a burden. At the moment, my partner's company is looking a bit dodgy. I think he feels under a lot less pressure about this situation than his colleagues who are sole-earners as he knows that my salary will tide us over come what may.
Similarly I don't feel I have to be is 'the glue that holds a family together' - if anything were ever to happen to me, god forbid, the family would still be a family.