I shop around every year for car insurance, home insurance, broadband, gas & electricity. We are happy with Panda bin collection so stay with that. My comparison method is to have an excel spreadsheet with columns for electricity kWh unit rate, electricity standing charge rate, and the same for gas. Know approximately how many kWh gas & electricity you consume per year. Phone each supplier asking for only the kWh and standing charge rates including VAT, also if there is any cash discount offered to change supplier, then input the data in excel sheet, and make a comparison for the upcoming year. I inform my existing supplier of the best offer received, see what counter-offer they make, and will change if the saving is more than €50. This may seem a small reward for the trouble involved however experience has shown that the suppliers algorithms detect that you are a "difficult customer" who will not accept anything but the best price, so this is what you will be offered. If a customer is too lazy to do this every year they will end up paying higher prices. That's how it works.
The wholesale electricity price is declining rapidly as generation companies come to the end of high price gas purchase contracts and buy lower priced gas for the next 3, 6, or 12 months ahead. How much of this will be fed back to the end customer? Hard to say because the fixed costs of Ireland's electricity supply are increasing dramatically due to the erection of many more wind turbines, back-up power plants for low wind periods which can last for weeks, also huge expenditure on a new power grid which includes interconnectors to Wales and France and Northern Ireland, and expensive grid stabilization technologies such as batteries. On top of all this over €1 billion is being spent on emergency generation that is only necessary because Eamon Ryan refuses to accept that new power plants are required until its too late to get them built before the lights go out. What this means is even when gas drops to less than it was prior to the Ukraine war, the price of electricity will not drop back to previous levels.