To dismiss the problem as people being frivolous, stupid, or not thinking in the long term is not looking at the bigger picture.
If people who bought near the peak of the market were looking at the long term, then why is this topic being discussed? If people had actually planned for the long term, then why did they not make even small provisions for the possibility of unemployment or wage cuts. As already mentioned, negative equity is only really a problem for people who are having difficulty meeting repayments for whatever reason. The only one these people can blame for this is themselves, for not having made any provisions for a rainy day.
Arguing for banks to be more flexible is utterly rediculous. It was the flexibility of central and commercial banks that was the cause of the financial crisis. Allowing people to go into even more debt, especially unsecured, is utterly short-sighted and completely ignoring even the most recent history. When in a whole stop digging!!!