Irresponsible dog owners

Irresponsible dog owners an issue on the mountains as well. Access definitely in jeopaordy for recreational walkers.

Recent case:

No Dogs policy on specific range (that's much clearer than must be on leash, which would be ignored anyway) becuase there are thousands of sheep up there.
Dog owner/s arrive and let dogs off leash. Dogs cross a timber footbridge and chase sheep.
Dog owner/s confronted about the issue.
Dog owner/s persist.
One of sheep farmers takes chainsaw to bridge so that sorts the 'issue' in that particular location.
Other famers agree somethung had to be done.
Another farmer that provides parking, showers, refreshments for recreational users will probably suffer.
Recreational users can't complete a certain looped walk as no way to cross river.
Okay, the bridge wasn't alway there but the average walker would have second thoughts about crossing it, particularly in Winter.

If dog owners let their dogs do this. What are their kids like?
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Irresponsible dog owners an issue on the mountains as well. Access definitely in jeopaordy for recreational walkers.

Recent case:

No Dogs policy on specific range (that's much clearer than must be on leash, which would be ignored anyway) becuase there are thousands of sheep up there.
Dog owner/s arrive and let dogs off leash. Dogs cross a timber footbridge and chase sheep.
Dog owner/s confronted about the issue.
Dog owner/s persist.
One of sheep farmers takes chainsaw to bridge so that sorts the 'issue' in that particular location.
Other famers agree somethung had to be done.
Another farmer that provides parking, showers, refreshments for recreational users will probably suffer.
Recreational users can't complete a certain looped walk as no way to cross river.
Okay, the bridge wasn't alway there but the average walker would have second thoughts about crossing it, particularly in Winter.

If dog owners let their dogs do this. What are their kids like?
Any farmer who finds a dog "worrying" his sheep is perfectly entitled to shoot said dog. Maybe a sign saying that it is private land with sheep grazing and so uncontrolled dogs will be shot would help to encourage better behaviour by the dog owners.
Maybe a sign saying that it is private land with sheep grazing and so uncontrolled dogs will be shot would help to encourage better behaviour by the dog owners.

On this range, the signs are there, particularly the most used access points. But, the signs are ignored or dog owners choose a lesser know spot (still knowing it's not allowed) and plead ignorance. These people are intent of messing it up for all mountain users.

At one location there a 4 No Dogs signs at the car park and a further one on a gate futher up which warns of the shooting. But, the dog owning idiots still walk by.

Zig Zags in Wicklow still closed after the attack on the landowner who approached two dog owners about similar behaviour.

This entire red shaded area of Maumturks is also a recent no access addition to the list. Partly to do with dog owners.
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At one location there a 4 No Dogs signs at the car park and a further one on a gate futher up which warns of the shooting. But, the dog owning idiots still walk by.
Yeah, the signs have no effect on those who feel it is their entitlement to do what they want where they want.
Yeah, the signs have no effect on those who feel it is their entitlement to do what they want where they want

Without being confrontational, the best thing that a person can say to these clowns if you meet them is 'That's a strange looking guide dog', and just walk on.

They then proceed to post images of the dog on the mountain on BookFace which prompts the rest of the idiot dog owners to say 'Well, if he /she is up there with the dog (on or off leash) then it must be allowed."
I have tidied up the mess in the past after dogs got into sheep. I recall my late father getting his shotgun out more then once.
I'd say shooting a few of the dogs would.

That might have an effect.
had to do that in the past with my father, pre micro chip and online postings but having tidied up the mess they made of a flock of sheep we showed no mercy. It's not just the sheep that are physically attacked, if they are pregnant and just chased, a sheep can and will have a spontaneous miscarraige to help protect themselves.