If I see another bloody soccer mom driving a big SUV (XC90)...............

Cars are designed to crumple when hit, to absorb the energy, so the 206 actually saved your life (or more serious internal injuries) by doing that.

Also, I would love to see that 'survey' carried out in the US which (surprise surprise) revealed that a 4.0L petrol (or whatever they squeeze under the bonnet of those things) Wrangler was kinder to the environment than a Prius ? Maybe the batteries in the prius may be harmful if left rotting in a landfill but seriously, do you believe that story ?

Anyhoo....back OT. SUVs....if you have one, good for you....just don't wash it, and let it at least 'look' like it was off road now and again !
Do NOT buy that spray-on mud to make it look like you were off-roading.

And to ALL drivers out there, learn the physics behind driving and how a car and the changes in the control of the driven wheels, steering, tyres, braking etc affect the balance and overall control of a car and we might all be a bit safer on the roads !!!!
I am not aggressive as a driver. I do not tailgate and I most definatly do not drive fast.
I do not feel selfish just because I do everything I can to be safe. That is like saying that the person who fits a burglar alarm to their house is selfish because the burglar will go next door and so they are putting their neighbours at risk.
If you can promise me that you will take all the young speedmerchants and lunatics off the road then us grandparents will feel safer and can give up the SUVs
And I totally fail to see where the jelousy aspect comes in to it. I would much prefer to drive a nice car.
Re: SUV's

In the meantime I will continue to feel safe in my large heavy vehicle while I have to take my chances on the Irish roads.

You'll feel safe. That's great!

What about if you hit someone in a Nissan Micra. They won't be safe. But don't worry too much about it - you'll be safe!
The problem with the widespread adoption of SUVs is that they're incompatible with other vehicles. The crumple zone of the SUV rides up over the car's crumple zone into the passenger compartment. These vehicles were let become prevalent and used for purposes that their basic design made them unsuitable for without endangering other road users. This isn't to mention their high centre of gravity and risk of rollover.

This class of vehicle needs to be made safer. Fortunately manufacturers are being required to make them more compatible with other vehicles.

In effect future "SUV" models have to be designed out of existence by making them more car like.
Methinks some posters have a problem with women driving these vehicles. Maybe the reason they are the transport of choice is simply that they are Moms.
The car seats are usually in the back of Mammy's car, not Dads. Dad drives his car to work and parks it. Mammy brings the kids to school, to games, to the doctor etc. The buggy will be in her boot, not Dads. The children most often travel their mother's car.
It is Mammy who has to lift them in and out of the child seats, it is much easier to lift a heavy todder upinto a seat than downinto said seat, because one does not have to bend ones back while lifting a heavy load. In fact it is easier for everyone to get into, and out of, a higher vehicle, esp grandma.
Don't know how the people carriers stack up against this, maybe they are the same in terms of height etc? Can't comment on enviornmental impact, don't know enough about it. Don't know who to believe.

PS. Last year, John Creedon invited listeners to give examples of things that illustrate the Celtic Tiger . The one that won was " fellas driving 4x4s and avoiding potholes "
Methinks some posters have a problem with women driving these vehicles. Maybe the reason they are the transport of choice is simply that they are Moms.
I can’t answer for other posters but I find men in 4X4’s to be aggressive, speed and tailgate. My issues with women using them for school runs etc are no different to the general issues outlined above, in particular the selfishness of using a vehicle that is more dangerous to other road users as outlined so well be General Zod
People movers are about the same height, maybe slightly lower but from my experience they are a better height than 4X4’s. By the way, your comments are quite sexist. My mother in law does some of the picking up of my children and she drives a Fiesta.

PS. Last year, John Creedon invited listeners to give examples of things that illustrate the Celtic Tiger . The one that won was " fellas driving 4x4s and avoiding potholes "
Re: SUV's

You'll feel safe. That's great!

What about if you hit someone in a Nissan Micra. They won't be safe. But don't worry too much about it - you'll be safe!

To be fair all someone can do is ensure their own safety by driving the safest vehicle possible and take due care for the safety of others by driving carefully. If I had kids I'd prefer them to travel in a large SUV rather than a Micra.
Presumably, for example, being hit by a heavier saloon car like a Mercedes is worse than being hit by a Micra - do we ban all cars over a certain weight?
If you looked at t[broken link removed] I linked to earlier, you would know the answer to your rhetorical question. Subcompact cars are pretty much equal to other catagories of cars (including large/luxury) in relation to the risk to other drivers on the road.

I don't have time to read all 22 pages of the report, but I have read the conclusions on pages 5 & 6. They say nothing at all about the relative risk to pedestrians struck by vehicles of varying sizes & weights, which was the point I was making.

At least you are cutting out Co2 emissions by riding your high horse!.

In fairness this is more generalising that makes little sense and does not seem to be a reasoned argument. If all SUV drivers were 'dumpy' little women who park on the footpath and blow fumes into my face while laughing at the thought of global warming then I must have missed something on my everyday travels.
My partner bought an SUV last year and I am still too embarrassed to be seen in it. I find the idea of a monstrous vehicle like that for just one person to be plain grotesque.
I own two 4x4's, one with bullbars.
If I didnt have the bullbars the front of my jeep would be dented & scratched continuously. If I tried to sell it on, the repair works would then run in to the thousands & would anyone seriously consider buying it if it looked like I used it as a battering ram?
"Gas Guzzling SUV" is an american term refering to the 4x4's in the states which would commonly be petrol V8 engines with 5-6 litres capacity. My two jeeps are 2.5l Tdi engines. I meet plenty of cars with engines bigger than mine every day but no reference to those is made? A friend of mine has a 2.0litre impreza, when i asked what mpg he gets I was informed it was approx 18 - 22 mpg. 4x4's would beat this figure easily but are still refered to as "Gaz guzzlers" and tarnished as nr. 1 oil wasters.
In fairness this is more generalising that makes little sense and does not seem to be a reasoned argument.

Totally agree with you. aims predominantly at changing driver behaviour and not changing the type of vehicle one drives and for very good reason - the main causes of accidents are speeding and drink driving. Some of the arguments put up by some of the anti SUV crowd beggar belief because there are cars out there which are more expensive and have higher fuel consumption - begrudgery is my take on a lot of it.
Apart from the safety aspects - what other factors influence one to purchase a 4X4 if not using it for a business reason or "off road". Not SUV bashing, just curious!
1) making a showy display to everyone that they have the ability to borrow and/or waste copious amounts of money to prove their 'status'.
6)people who would go to any lengths to justify their existence.

I am going to trade down to a micra, sell my house and move in to a two up two down, cancel my private health insurance, sell my kids ponies and not go on any more foreign holidays. Happy now comrade .
Some of the arguments put up by some of the anti SUV crowd beggar belief because there are cars out there which are more expensive and have higher fuel consumption - begrudgery is my take on a lot of it.

I Agree; some may bang on about the carbon footprint etc. but if they had the chance to buy a 3.0L sports car in the moring there would be no thought about it.

There is always the old line that they are purchased as a status symbol also. I freely admit I prefer driving a jeep over a car/van & I wont be made feel bad about it. If we all sat down and thought about all our purchases & everyday choices and then decided to opt for pure function over our desires we would lead an extremely boring life.
Anyone who continues to drive with bull bars is an idiot - but by my observation anyway most 4x4s (including mine) don't have them.

Perhaps they have the bull bars together with a front winch fitted for a reason.
Have you ever thought of that?
I know of a few people that have used the bull bars as a means of mooring ballons before liftoff. And yes these same people have tow bars because they are actually pulling trailers.

There two basic reasons for the large amount of SUVs/4x4s on the roads.
One is the status symbol, where we yet again copy the Americans, in having big ass 4x4s to cart our now obese kids around town.

The other is the fact that businesses commericalise the 4x4s to avail of cheaper tax on purchase, vat back on diesel and benefit in kind.
Look at the number of crew cab pickups and 4x4 commericals that are on our roads. Compare to other European countries.

The first point is our desire to now mimic all things American and requires us to change our social and materialistic thinking.
The second point could be cleared up by government and their VRT screwing us.

BTW Yorky some of those boghoppers you referred to are quiet often actually pulling large twin axel trailers either full of building materials or animals!
Try that with your 1.1 Fiesta or Micra.

And if you want to inhale some fumes drive behind some of our public transport vehicles.

Also some one on this thread made reference to lane jumping.
Maybe some of the complete gobsh**es that traveln on our roads and hog the overtaking lanes should sample some proper European driving and they might figure out how to drive.
It is such a pleasure to drive in Continental Europe where people actual do lane change and know how to do it.
Also for above two reasons the roads are not full of SUV/4x4 drivers either becuase of the government screwing them (VAT/VRT) or becuse they think they should live like some yoko from Texas.
Perhaps they have the bull bars together with a front winch fitted for a reason . . . I know of a few people that have used the bull bars as a means of mooring ballons before liftoff.

I see many more bull bars than winches, likewise balloons!

This is my reason for having a 4x4 crew cab.
T bloody soccer mom

I think soccer mom sums it up nicely. We are all becomming americanised - co-workers are now called colleagues, hearing back yard instead of garden more often, french fries instead of chips etc. etc

Bring back the days of walking to school, malnutrition, mass emigration and being envious of G8 nations!!