If I see another bloody soccer mom driving a big SUV (XC90)...............

You're in the majority with the above philosophy and that is why we are using up the earth's resources at an unprecedented rate.

I trust that sits well with you.

And your children and grand children.

How very presumptuous of the pair of you - you assume that because I DESCRIBE a theory I automatically ASCRIBE to it.

Read my post again - I said I had a theory as to why people in societies act they way they did - tell me where I said I agreed it was the right thing to do?
"My pet theory on this is: "man" has a need to "better" his situation and his status among his peers. Where a recognised class structure does not exist or is in decline "man" uses other means to measure his status or standing against his peers. In a market economy this is most easily achieved through money and displays of wealth or expenditure. Society as a whole seems to have accepted this method of advancement and embraced it, thus validating "mans" expenditure, and the cycle continues."

I think this is a very interesting theory and I believe it describes a lot of people and their view of their own world and where they fit in in the pecking order. I personally find it distasteful and hope that few of the people I choose to spend my time with (as in friends and family) ascribe to it. Its not a nice theory but I think it is apposite in relation to much of our society's need to demonstrate ostentatious shows of wealth.
