If I see another bloody soccer mom driving a big SUV (XC90)...............


Registered User
That's it, I have had it! If I see another bloody soccer mom driving a big XC90 with just 1 stupid child in the back I am going to break down!!! It's fine if you live in the county, but in an urban area it is just so unbelievably vulgar. Somebody was telling me the other day about their new M Class and asked me what did I think. I looked them straight in the eye and said "you sicken me!". I am being very blunt about this, but I just can't stress enough how much I hate these stupid, arrogant pig headed people. They have no self esteem, that's their main problem. They have to literally look down on other people just because of this. What can we do to stop this??
Re: SUV's

Tax them out of existance.

Address in the rural countryside normal tax, address in urban area punitive tax levels.
Re: SUV's

What is your issue exactly.
I drive an SUV because I am a carefull driver and am aware that they are a lot of idiots driving out there and if I have a close encounter with one of them then I do not wish to be the looser.
I am aware that that position brings extra responsibilities for me to be carefull so that I will not be the cause of the encounter and I take these responsibilities seriously.
So please let me know what you find wrong in the choices that I have made.
Re: SUV's

Oh, where does the list start! Well, when reversing out when parked beside one they create huge blindspots, they guzzle fuel and that can't be good considering the current situation, they take up too much space on the road, most people who own them are barely able to drive them, they produce large quantities of CO2, they aren't safe for pedestrians or other people in cars on the road, they are intimidating. Is that big enough a list for you??
Re: SUV's

I know that they are not good for pedestrians and that is why I feel that there is extra responsibility on the drivers to be carefull.
If drivers are not being carefull then it is not fair to blame the vehicle. They do not actually take up any more space on the road than the larger cars and I do not hear you including them in your tirade.
As for the CO2 issue, may I ask if you are vegan because if you are not then how dare you mention that one. It is a fact that the raising of livestock for human consumption generates more CO2 than all travel combined including air travel.
I am willing to compare my carbon footprint with all on this board and I will beat 99% of them hands down. In the meantime I will continue to feel safe in my large heavy vehicle while I have to take my chances on the Irish roads.
Well, when reversing out when parked beside one they create huge blindspots

You would have the same problem if you parked beside a Galaxy, Alhambra etc. - would you ban does too?

they guzzle fuel and that can't be good considering the current situation

Numerous cars out there with similar or bigger engines BMW530, 730 and 740series , E320 Merc, S type Jag etc. etc.

most people who own them are barely able to drive them

....and your evidence to support this?

they take up too much space on the road

No more space than a Galaxy, Alhambra etc.

they aren't safe for pedestrians or other people in cars on the road

An irresponsibly driven micra is more of a danger on the road than a responsibly driven SUV. Don't know about Foxrock but the boy racers down my way don't drive XC90s.

Your posts in this thread are the most poorly thought out that I have possibly ever read on a BB - they say a lot more about you than they do about SUV drivers
As demoivre has intimated, 'performance' cars (of which there are plenty around) are more guilty of 'fuel guzzling' than the average SUV - and let's face it, are much more likely to be driven irresponsibly.
An irresponsibly driven micra is more of a danger on the road than a responsibly driven SUV

An irresponsibly driven micra is more of a danger on the road than a responsibly driven fully loaded tank. So what. That assertion adds nothing to this discussion

Here are [broken link removed]:
SUV's are a greater risk to others on the road than all other classes of cars excluding pickup truck (and pretty much level with sports cars)
SUV's are a greater risk to the person driving them than midsize, large, luxury cars and mini vans.

woods said:
I drive an SUV because I am a carefull driver and am aware that they are a lot of idiots driving out there and if I have a close encounter with one of them then I do not wish to be the looser.
And if everyone takes your attitude, we are going to have an equivalent of the arms race on the roads. Everyone (who can afford it) getting a bigger and tougher car to "protect" themselves from the others on the roads. Not a solution to your original problem.

As demoivre has intimated, 'performance' cars (of which there are plenty around) are more guilty of 'fuel guzzling' than the average SUV - and let's face it, are much more likely to be driven irresponsibly.
What's do you classify as the average SUV, the average performace car? I would doubt there is a whole lot in the consumption between the two in a typical driving scenario.
Good post diarmuidc.
If it doesn't have a tow-bar then the driver doesn't need it. All else being equal they are more dangerous than a saloon car to other road users in a crash.
If it doesn't have a tow-bar then the driver doesn't need it.
This sums it up nicely. If not a ban on SUV's they should at least ban the bullbars that many SUV's sport as these are potentially lethal.
What's do you classify as the average SUV, the average performace car? I would doubt there is a whole lot in the consumption between the two in a typical driving scenario.

Let's not get into exactly what constitutes an average SUV or a performance car.
Anyway, what is 'typical driving'? I'm sure the average GTi driver doesn't exactly drive so as to minimise environmental impact.

I read an article in The Sunday Times a few months back comparing emissions/consumption etc between selected SUV and hot hatches/sports cars which made surprising reading.

I'm no lover of SUVs myself - in the urban context I personally think they are generally unnecessary, vulgar, ostentatious status symbols. It's just that I also think their environmental impact seems to have been overstated.
An irresponsibly driven micra is more of a danger on the road than a responsibly driven fully loaded tank. So what. That assertion adds nothing to this discussion
You're missing the point. Driving responsibly is crucial to road safety - incredible that you can't identify with that. It's a well documented fact that speeding and alcohol are the two major contributing factors in road traffic accidents, both of which are avoidable, and not whether or not you drive an SUV.
I looked them straight in the eye and said "you sicken me!"

A touch dramatic me thinks! - all of the things going on in the world and somebody asking your opinion on a vehicle sickens you????.

As it happens soccer moms and others in SUVS bug me as well - not so much because of the SUV but because for the most part these guys are poor drivers. They do the same routes day in day out (school and shops) - if they have to go out of their comfort zone they panic. They have no comprehension of blinds spots, consideration on the roads and parking and most of all they cannot handle a large vehicle/engine.

I also have the same problem with my other pet hate - older women drivers in big E class Mercerdes or other big saloon cars - they have no idea of the length or width of their vehicle and just hope for the best when parking or reversing - in fact they will try their best not to have to reverse if at all possible. Recently in Blanchardstown shopping centre I witnessed a woman trying repeatedly to reverse from a car space (it was not a tight space) she was just sitting down really low behind a big steering wheel, she did not look around her, she did not accurately judge the room on each side - eventually she called me over and asked me if I could reverse for her!. This is a woman who should have been driving a small car which she could handle. All drivers should be confident in what they are driving, they should be aware of the length, weight and width of their vehicle - if you ask any of these soccer moms what length their jeep is they wouldn't have a clue!.
Re: SUV's

As for the CO2 issue, may I ask if you are vegan because if you are not then how dare you mention that one. It is a fact that the raising of livestock for human consumption generates more CO2 than all travel combined including air travel.

Please get the facts correct before you start pontificating to others.