Is this a bit nuts or is it just me..
1.Advice is requested by Joe Bloggs
2.A.N. Other replies advising Joe.
3.Joe doesnt like what he hears
4.A.N. Other clearly states legal reasons for not advising to the contrary.
5.Joe gets abusive.
For instance;
Joe-"I shot my milkman this morning, please advise on how best to plead insanity, put on a good act and get away with a short stint"
A.N. Other - " you shouldnt really have shot himn though"
Joe - " Thats no help to me, you are being self righteoues/squeeky clean blah blah blah...."
What about the "Can anyone advise me of the best way to defraud the tax man" posts? Then the "who are you to call me a criminal!" replys to the answers. You gotta love 'em.