I have no sympathy whatsoever with those "spoiled brat" taxi drivers.

Well in my cicle of friends.. nowadays we usually drive to the location we are heading too (bar or club) and leave one car there.. then next day one of us drops that car owner to get her car.. saves us all about 10 euro each at start of nite. I know it doesnt seem like a lot but saves us going out in cold looking for one or ringing and waiting on one.. coming home I havent had a problem getting a cab in about 3 yrs
Why does anything have to be done. The law of supply and demand will mean those not making the money will have to give up.

In general, I agree with this philosophy but it should only be a guide and sometimes, exceptions have to be made.

I was in Kehoe's on South Anne Street last night, and there were three taxis illegally parked and blocking any other cars trying to get by.

Both sides of Merrion Row are blocked by taxis, turning a three lane road into one lane.

Cars were parked and locked at the nearby taxi rank.

So normal market forces do not apply. To survive, the taxis have to behave illegally.

No one wants to return to the situation where there was a shortage, but we do need to remove the oversupply. It will result in lower fares and less traffic problems.
Why not leave it up to the office of the taxi regulator who has to be commended for her offices work so far?

If there are problems with "snaking", and illegal activity by taxi drivers why not report the generalities to the taxi regulator for investigation and aciton? And why not report the specifics of illegality to the Gardai?

Why are a small number of (mostly Fianna Fail) politicians taking the side of these guys? and undermining the taxi regulators office at every hands turn?

In fairness the PD's they took the side of the consumer and faced down the actions of a minority of taxi drivers who are nothing more than boorish louts.

They are planning action tomorrow and I for one will be listening out for politicians who take the side of the consumer and support the office of the taxi regulator and the Gardai.

If a taxi driver charges less than what's on the meter what happens when he/she does their tax return? Doesn't Revenue base their income on what's on the meter? If not then the whole area is still open to tax evasion.
Do you really think the meter is turned on for the majority of runs taking drunk people home ? I don't, and I reckon this is a major cash cow for taxi drivers, even more so in rural towns where weekend work is probably 90% of the business.
In general, I agree with this philosophy but it should only be a guide and sometimes, exceptions have to be made. I was in Kehoe's on South Anne Street last night, and there were three taxis illegally parked and blocking any other cars trying to get by.

Both sides of Merrion Row are blocked by taxis, turning a three lane road into one lane.

If I were doing the same trying to get into a car park ,I would be very swiftly moved on.
This should not be allowed,and the gardai must carry out their duties .Imagine the situation if buses did this..

Cars were parked and locked at the nearby taxi rank.

Were these cars Taxis? As far as I know the driver must be present.
If not ,once again where were the guards to enforce the law.

So normal market forces do not apply. To survive, the taxis have to behave illegally.
I couldn't disagree with you more.The problem I have with this,is that it can be applied to any profession/trade.Where would this end?

No one wants to return to the situation where there was a shortage, but we do need to remove the oversupply. It will result in lower fares and less traffic problems.
I agree with removing the oversupply,However it is up to the taxi drivers to make the decision as to whether they can continue in the business or not.Just like every other self employed person,whom cannot limit their competition.

I cannot see any situation where reducing supply would reduce fares.It would once again become a monopoly.

I hear taxi drivers complain of making 5 or 10 euro a night,if this is really the case,how come there are so many of them, How come they dont get a job in Mcdonalds where they would at least get 8/9 an HOUR,as opposed to a fiver a night.
How come they can pay the insurance,tax ,diesel, maintenance on a fiver a night?
Something just doesn't add up.
Taxi drivers are their own worst enemies at times. If the following was introduced, then you'd solve a lot of their issues:

1. All cars must carry at least 6 people.
2. All cars must be a particular colour.
3. All cars must be less than 7 years old.
4. Taxi cars can only be used for taxi business [eliminates the put a sign on the family car brigade]. A serious taxi driver would have no difficulty buying a dedicated vehicle.
5. Permanently attached roof sign with "for hire" light.
6. All cars have Sat Nav.
7. Drivers must have valid Tax Clearance Certificate and no convictions for any public order, violence, sexual etc. type crimes.
8. No renting of taxi plates.
Taxi drivers are their own worst enemies at times. If the following was introduced, then you'd solve a lot of their issues:

1. All cars must carry at least 6 people.
2. All cars must be a particular colour.
3. All cars must be less than 7 years old.
4. Taxi cars can only be used for taxi business [eliminates the put a sign on the family car brigade]. A serious taxi driver would have no difficulty buying a dedicated vehicle.
5. Permanently attached roof sign with "for hire" light.
6. All cars have Sat Nav.
7. Drivers must have valid Tax Clearance Certificate and no convictions for any public order, violence, sexual etc. type crimes.
8. No renting of taxi plates.

Great idea.