I have no sympathy whatsoever with those "spoiled brat" taxi drivers.


I have no sympathy whatsoever with those "spoiled brat" taxi drivers.

Customers have very very long memories and I for one will never forget queuing for hours on St Stephens Green for taxis in the 80's and 90's. I commend the government ministers who burst up this cosy cartel.

I encourage the current taxi regulator not to cave in to their demands and to perhaps increase the number of taxis even more just to teach them a lesson.
indeed.. more taxis is more competition and hopefully reduce fares
Isn't this at the nub of their gripe? The market is open to competition but not on price.

I too remember the queues but in fairness todays taxi drivers weren't driving around back in the 80's/90's. Those guys made their money when the going was good and most likely got out.

I almost always get the taxi on the way home now. The cost of nightlinks has contributed to that too.
If things are so bad for taxi drivers, why have so many people become taxi drivers in recent years?
My wife works for a large American multinational. Four of their head guys arrived in Cork airport yesterday and had to ring the company to tell them they couldn't get taxi's. Some of the employees had to drive to the airport to pick them up. And we are supposed to be attracting jobs in to Ireland.
In a way it is understanable as anyone can, as far as i am aware become a taxi driver in Dublin and Cork and claim their share of the pie.Of course jobs are scarce so many are tempted to try their luck.It is infinitely preferable to the situation that pertained back in the 80s and 90s.Can the taxi drivers get FIS or some form of welfare to supplement their earnings.
What are the regulations about becoming a taxi driver? Whats to prevent all types of conmen and criminal types becoming taxidrivers especially as they have no other job prospects.
Because they have lost their other job.

Or have taken it up as a second job.
This was mentioned as an issue by one of the taxi guys this morning. Drivers that have full time jobs and then are going out cherry picking and working the busy nights.
Or have taken it up as a second job.
This was mentioned as an issue by one of the taxi guys this morning. Drivers that have full time jobs and then are going out cherry picking and working the busy nights.

Supply meeting demand then, don't they call this equilibrium?
The taxi drivers held up the whole of O Connell street yesterday without any warning to the public.This did them no favors with the public.

That being said, If I hear one more taxi driver complain about making just 5e after ten hours work Ill scream!What they fail to mention is the 300e night.

The state of some of the cars is quite frankly an embarrassment!

In the likes of Spain ,Cyprus etc they have really well kept easily identifiable white taxis,but not here you could get a rust bucket on wheels or a Mercedes.

Everyone is in competition for work but we cannot control the number of applicants for the job.
Supply meeting demand then, don't they call this equilibrium?

Yeah, but before regulation I know taxi drivers that would have worked just Friday and Saturday and made a good week's wages. Now they have to do a full week like most other people.
In saying that, one friend just does Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights and he still does ok.
I haven't hired an 'official' taxi in years. Never will again if I can help it.
Welcome to the free market.

The Taxi drivers do have a legitimate grievance if unregistered Taxis are operating however they cannot be in a position to say how many people enter the market.
I know teachers and other occupations who have taxi plates and work weekends and summer months at it.
As long as they are correctly assessed for income tax and have a Tax Clearance Certificates they are free to do so.
Electricians, Plumbers etc regularly do nixers but you doint see the country being brought to a halt over it.
Isn't this at the nub of their gripe? The market is open to competition but not on price.

There is a maximun fare but Taxi Drivers are allowed to charge anything up to this maximum fare if they wish. They can offer discounts, they can advertise these discounts, but they dont because it is still a little cozy cartel for some (most) of them.

As for the "taxi drivers" on O'Connell Street, Dublin yesterday, who blocked another driver from working and shouted disgraceful things at him, including racist comments, while the Gardai stood on and looked at this happening (6.15pm ish). Shame on you all!
2 things - when taxi plates were exchanged over the years, they were ripped off by one of their own. Will anyone forget getting into a taxi in the 80's or 90's - stale smoke, driver smoking, manky cars etc.

While I have sympathy for people struggling to meet ends meet, they were architects of their own downfall.
Taxi drivers are self-employed business people. The same rules of the market apply in the taxi 'profession' as they do in any other competitive segment - where barriers to entry are low, you have two options if you want to survive - provide a more efficient service cheaper, or charge more for a premium service.

As in any other industry, if you choose not to do either of the above, or can't do either of the above quite as well as your competitors, you get driven out of the industry.
Welcome to the free market.
The Taxi drivers do have a legitimate grievance if unregistered Taxis are operating however they cannot be in a position to say how many people enter the market.
I know teachers and other occupations who have taxi plates and work weekends and summer months at it.
As long as they are correctly assessed for income tax and have a Tax Clearance Certificates they are free to do so.

But the health and safety / employment law should apply and make an even playing pitch. I don;t want to hail a cab and have a driver that has racked up endless hours that nods off. a simple tachagraph would go some way to ironing that out.

Electricians, Plumbers etc regularly do nixers but you doint see the country being brought to a halt over it
two wrongs never made a right and all that...