Im new to this site as I see are many others in past week. Im becoming more disillusioned with the impact on a number of aspects:
Contributions; Many of the posts on this and other threads are repeats and in form of pretty academic debates bewteen members on various points of detail. At the end of the day considerable energy is expended and nothing is achived by this endless debate. Its unclear if many posters are variabale mortage holders themselves. The core elements of the debate also become confused over time.
Impact; As a variable mortage holder my interest is in advaning this campaign and hopefully a solution, attending and supporting the planned public meeting, creating awareness which is crucial using social media and as many outlets as possible. Our message must go way beyond this website if we are to have any impact eg its disappointing only approx 350 likes on facebook page to date- needs to be many thousands. I would welcome debate and discussion on how to advance these aspects.
Is there potential for interested members to link up off line on these issues?. A number of Regional meetings on the issue in the next month would appear to be critical.
Political pressure; Interested members need to have a professional campaign of continuous lobbying of all politicians . Its critical that the momentum built up in past 2 weeks is maximised as it will be very difficult to maintain this over next 6 months.
Number of Threads; There appears to be too may threads eg Public Meeting, Key Posts, and many others on the variable issue and impact is being lost . I note many members need to post on various threads.