My idea is basically the formation of a Home-Owners co-operative.
The function of this organisation would be to represent the interests of its members (mortgage holders) on a collective basis when dealing with lenders; particulary around interest rates and mortgage types.
Essentially, it would operate under the same principles underpinning a buying group that negotiates prices and terms with its suppliers. So instead of the suppliers (in this case the- lenders) setting the price (in this case -interest rates) without reference to its customers, they would be forced to do so given the collective strength of the buyer (in this case the members of the co-operative/mortgage holders). Or the co-operative could potentially seek the best deal possible for its members and deal with whatever bank.
You only need to think of the power that Dunnes Stores has over its suppliers where they set the price and state what they are prepared to pay.
The legal structure for such an organisation could be a Company limited by guarantee without share capital. Membership cost would be a tiny sum, thereby potentially attracting huge numbers of mortgage holders who would have nothing to loose by joining. The more members, the greater the negotiating power.
Is an idea such as this credible or possible? It seems unbelieveable that banks can keep raising variable interest rates at a time when the wholesale rate is so low, driving already struggling mortgage holders further into the ground. Their profit margins are excessive and their "solution" of increasing the term of the loan is only a solution for the bank. In fact an increase in the term represents a bonanza for the banks, thanks to the increased interest that they will reap over the extended term. At the very least the interest rate should be decreased if the term is longer given that the loan becomes more profitable. Perhaps a Home-owners co-op could have a role here also.
A Co-operative such as this could also demand non-recourse mortgages for its members! Imagine if all future mortgage business was conducted through this organisation. The banks would have no choice but to provide the customer with the type of mortgage that they want and are prepared to purchase.
Would love to hear this idea explored at a public meeting.
Thanks all!