How many people are they expecting for the ICTU march on Saturday?

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Well whilst I'm not exactly a media junkie I'm neither blind nor deaf either - but I didn't even know there was a march ?!
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I have heard that the army are on stand by....
Personally I wouldn't go near this march.Too many vested interests.
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To make sure they march in time?

To me its a sign that they are expecting trouble, so most who are not in favour of what the unions are saying/believing/expecting etc will stay well away from it.
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I think it could get nasty alright.
Probably highjacked by the usual suspects.
Yep..just look at what happened at the students march and the man outside the dail a few days ago,when standing in front of Hanafins car.
Its important that people know this march is being led by the unions TEEU.
Opps , didn't get it..

Anyhow it would be very hard for me to stomach listening to the bearded brethren shouting about fighting the good fight..
The march is being led by the supporters of benchmarking and high taxation. The blind leading the blind
Yesterday's Indo forecasted an attendance of 80,000 but said given the recent level of public outrage it could be more.

Here's hoping !
People need to know that this is a union led/organised march..

ICTU leadership willingly sat on boards that oversaw massive waste and corruption and gross incompetence (Fas, Central Bank, CIE etc etc

And although we are told that the budget being passed is essential,the unions do not want it per this;Irish times;Eamon Devoy..
“When the draconian measures being proposed are heaped on top of the €14.5 billion cuts already implemented in the last three brutal budgets, life in Ireland will be unbearable.”.
I would go on a march but not one organised by a union...

+1. woudn't be assocaited with it for love nor money. It will have a mob element and could turn nasty especially as people do not really know what they are protesting about. "No cuts" is a stupid message as there has to be cuts and pointless protesting until we know the facts of the budget first.
It'll probably end up like the Love Ulster parade a few years ago.....
I'll be there, for the start at least. Unfortunately, I had already committed to work that afternoon, so I'll be pulling out early.
People should march and protest against the bunch of Muppets and bankers that have sold our souls to the eurocrats. The cuts are inevitable but this should never happen again in anyone's lifetime. Get rid of the irish style sicilian politic. There are too many people sitting on their backsides taking this enforced medicine. Fighting Irish my ar....e

All well and good - but the march isn't just to express general disgruntlement - there has to be a specific ICTU agenda.

I'm not even sure what it is though. Not sure they do either.
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