How many days holidays?

31 & Good Friday and an extra day at both Christmas and Easter - not hard to guess where I work!
Presumably some of the 70 days is used in setting exams/marking exams/setting coursework for the coming year?


They are physically not in the building during these 14 weeks.

Indeed, the union would not like anybody to be seen in the building during the 14 weeks.

Yes, over the 3 wks off at Christmas, they may be marking coursework (no exams at Christmas)

All marking is done before end of June, so the 8 wks off in July and Aug are pure hols.
21 days a year but have to use some of them for crimbo. typically i end up with about 16 days to use throughout the year after christmas.
Pity some of our american working colleagues though some of them dont get any paid leave for holidays, they have to take the financial hit. My uncle worked in a company that would pay you one days leave a year or soemthing stupidly low like that and then if he wanted the extra days no pay.
I had read somewhere, a long time ago, and i am kinda fuzzy on the details, but in the U.S. paid vacation is not seen as a right but something that is earned through hard work and company loyalty. Indeed some companies surveyed said that paid leave was a waste of time as it provided no commercial edge to the company. they have to pay someone to go on holidays, and when they get back that employee has no more of an impetus to work harder after the leave.
All figures for annual leave entitlements are based on the statutory minimum after 10 years' service, for an employee working five days a week.

The figures are taken from Mercer's European Employment Conditions report which is available at


Country; annual leave; public holidays; total leave
Finland: 25; 14; 39
Austria: 25; 13; 38
Greece: 25; 12; 37
France: 25; 11; 36
Portugal: 22; 14; 36
Spain: 22; 14; 36
Sweden: 25; 11; 36
Denmark: 25; 10; 35
Luxembourg: 25; 10; 35
Germany: 20; 13; 33
Belgium: 20; 10; 30
Italy: 20; 10; 30
Ireland: 20; 9; 29
Netherlands: 20; 8; 28
UK: 20; 8; 28

Figures are based on an employee with 10 years' service

This is what Wikipedia has to say about annual leave in the USA:

US law does not require employers to grant any vacation or holidays and about 25% of all employees receive no vacation time or holidays: No-Vacation Nation.

For employees that do receive vacation, 10 working days with 8 national holidays is fairly standard. Members of the US Armed Services earn a total of 30 vacation days a year, not including national holidays.
We really need to be bringing our annual leave/Public holidays up.

Right now, our annual leave/public holidays are pathetic in comparison to Finland.

How do we go about this?
During the last 12th of July celebrations was there not talk of making the 12th of July a public holiday throughout Ireland?
We really need to be bringing our annual leave/Public holidays up to at least the EU average.

Right now, our annual leave/public holidays are pathetic in comparison to Finland.

How do we go about this?
What, be like Finland? Easy; find massive amounts of natural resources (timber, iron ore, copper, lead, zinc, chromite, gold, silver, nickel etc) and develop a world-class manufacturing base around them. Then have a huge financial services sector that is based on competent but light regulation, competent providers and a sound banking system rather than incompetent regulation, tax breaks and banks that are willing to throw money at anything. It would also help if we had their participation rate in the workforce and their level of fulltime employees (they have the lowest proportion of part-time employees in the OECD).
Why not and by the way Ireland is the largest source of Zinc and lead in Europe?

Not to mention our natural resurces such as wind, wave, ocean and farming. Also gas that will be pumped from same said Ocean.

We also have gold in them there hills but the green brigade won't allow it to be mined.
Why not and by the way Ireland is one of the biggest sources of Zinc and lead in Europe?

We also have gold in them there hills but the green brigade won't allow it to be mined.
Yep, we're around 4th or 5th in the world for Zinc production but we've never developed any industries around our natural resources.
Yep, we're around 4th or 5th in the world for Zinc production but we've never developed any industries around our natural resources.

If this tax harmonisation comes in, we may be forced to develop industries around our natual resources rather than over-rely on forgein multi-nationals for jobs?
Why not have both?

True, but I suppose the theory is that the low corperation tax rate attracts forgein investment despite higher labour costs. If we lose that we will be priced out of the market unless further drops in pay rates.
Get 21 days holidays a year. Usually work on-call at Xmas (IT) so generally do not use up any days holidays here. Usually take good Friday off but didn't this year.
Full entitlement is 25 + extra day at Easter & Christmas (and Good Friday).

As I don't work full-time, I get 90% of the full entitlement.
As a retiree I have plenty of holidays, but no bank holidays off!
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