How long can the forming of a government take?

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A Grand Coalition is a coalition between the two largest parties in a Parliament. Therefore a FF/SF coalition is a grand coalition.
To me it's looks like a coalition or arrangement between FF and FG is taking place in the background going off the vote for Ceann Comhairle Denis Naughton is FG to the back bone , His Brother ran for FG in last council elections, Naughton is part of a new group of 11 TDs in Dail, I suspect all voted for him
Naughton made up part of the last FG government, until he stepped down over the broadband ,

Talking to FG people he is well respected by TDs from all parts the country ,From what I understand Word was out to leave Ceann Comhairle to FF ,

Naughton as Ceann Comhairle FG would take a seat in Roscommon/Galway next time out, which could be very shortly if the have no interest in forming/supporting a Government,

I expect FF and FG will drag out forming supporting a Government until most party members are on side for the new arrangement like they did last time around ,

So around 70 days again some members of both FF/FG are already saying it is going to take some time to form a Government,

So await the spin we had to put the Country First , I just hope they start the reform Both put on the back burner for the last 40 years,
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Is anyone struck by the utter peculiarity of how this has developed? The joint document published by FFFG is rooted in some sort of Utopia whereby the housing crisis will be solved and universal health care will be introduced, all without the need for additional income taxes after the horror COVID-19 is about to visit upon us. And they still can't get the Greens/SocDems etc. on board? One would have to hope the document is a device designed to trap one of the smaller parties since the commitments are totally undeliverable. This, of course, means that SF are almost guaranteed an even bigger surge come the next election.

S.F. would know all about Utopia as their election promises are gone up in smoke with the Coronavirus hammering the economy. Their supporters canlive in hope of a surge but the next election is 4/5 years away. There are still plenty combinations ready to grab a bit of power evenif S.D.s or the Greens decline
I'm having a Boris Johnson moment - Can we have another general election immediately please?
The greens are being the stupid ones now, they are looking for way too much and will kneecap the economy from any recovery from the corona virus if their demands are entertained. I think it is better that the big parties call their bluff and go for another election whenever it can be held.
You're absolutely right. But better still, why not a government of FG, FF and like minded independents. There's about a dozen of FG/F gene pool types who's demands wouldn't cost a fraction of what the greens want.
Absolutely! I'm all for meeting our international obligations on carbon emissions but being super heroes in this regard is self indulgent at the best of times and economic madness in the current situation. The GE was held in a completely different set of circumstances. Surely a GE now would see common sense return and the electorate focus on pragmatic and credible strategies to some how stage a recovery from this crisis. There would be no space for fantasy manifestos.
What are they looking for that is so bad?
I am against their drive for organic farming as it is bad for the environment.
I see Mary Lou Mcdonald in today's independent has more or less endorsed the IRA campaign and would have included herself personally in that campaign, (thats the snippets of the interview I picked up). She is more or less backtracking on all her work in the last few years of putting big distance between SF and the IRA, WHY ? Is she wanting to torpedo any prospects of SF going in with FF and the hopes of some in FF to do a deal with SF. Therefore she is running away from SF being in any government for the next few years because of the dire economic situation coming down the road. SF do not want to be in government even if it means losing some of their support for now. I think they want to force FF and FG into government along with the greens (possibly). She is probably also torpedoing the greens hopes of a "left alliance" as SF are returning to hard republicanism for now. It is good for Eamon Ryan as the extremist element have now been damaged by Mary Lou. Im not a fan of SF but this is a master stroke.
I'm having a Boris Johnson moment - Can we have another general election immediately please?
It's six weeks since I wrote that and several months since the general election. I'm fed up with the goings-on to try form a new government with minorities squabbling over unsquabble issues. Let the people make their minds up for them.
Is there a deadline in the Constitution?

At what stage is a new election called and who makes the decision?


Apparently some national legislation needs to be passed now so Ireland can take advantage of some EU Covid money.

This can't be done without a new Seanad.
It will be accepted but SF have just won the next election.....
What about the ff grassroots, they also have to ratify this, in their eyes the greens got way too much, it's not a done deal that they will back this, not the sort of ff grassroots guys I know of anyways. The popular assumption is that ff are most afraid of another election, but that's only the tds , the ff grassroots have nothing to lose by risking another election especially when they are already giving so much to the greens. They might be better risking an election now rather than after a few years of a very unpopular green government and carbon taxes
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