Because of the crap weather and the cold, I have brought tomatoes indoor this year into a sunny back window. Anyone growing them should restrict growth to a single main stem. I didn't realise the importance of this before, but it is crucial for good crop. Have planted King Edward spuds in ground and potato bags. Lidl are doing a good general compost for €2.99 with John Innes added for water retention (like we need that!).
I have onions growing since last Sept in bags and the ground, the Euro-shop is doing fertiliser for €1.50 for both spuds and onions BTW. They are also selling weedkiller for patio's and drives for €2.00, it works a treat. I've planted out mixed lettuce and spinach and its surprised me by growing despite the cold. I have corn growing in the house and runner beans been started off too. Again, Euro-shop is doing netting for €1.50, great for climbers and they are doing chicken wire (ugly but good) for peas etc.