This is why I can't understand it. I can theorise that sellers expectations are too high and buyers can't match it (or possibly - the banks won't give them enough money to meet the sellers expectations). However, surely it would be better for them to continue with the usual bull story - a few well chosen anecdotes about how the market is holding up well in the face of rising interest rates, fundamentals are sound etc. Get some greed and fear back into the market.
Frankly, I doubt anyone could have predicted estate agents would have adopted this approach ...
The crash was always going to happen but I cannot fathom what the REAs are at trying to precipitate it. Surely, average Joe Investor when he reads that the REAs expect prices to fall or remain static over the next few months will be picking up the phone and putting his house on the market. Who would want a depreciating asset that produces very little yield? If you are a buyer what will be the incentive to buy now?