Neffa said:Maybe what's even more interesting is that residential borrowing increased in one month in Ireland by €2.1bn while the UK increased by £9.1bn (€13.3bn).
They increased debt by over 6x our rate but with 15x the population. We have overtaken them in debt per person and are outstripping them by 2x now ...allowing for population . Our banks must be run by utter morons
Now see here.
[broken link removed]
Ireland has a much lower GNP than it has GNP . GNP vs debt is a better measure because it strips out multinationals faffing around for tax reasons. GNP is the measure of what effectively stays in the country while GDP is everything before repatriations of profit although GNP includes what companies like CRH repatriate here . Its growth rarely ever catches up with GDP growth as you can see here
MOST COUNTRIES have higher GNP than GDP but not Ireland.
Ireland has GDP of €30691 per person but GNP of €25704 (2004). The UK has higher GNP but lower GDP than we do but the real indicator of ability to service debt is GNP